Esther’s Insights

My Presentation of Learning 2024 📈

POL Declaration Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning, I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for…

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The Story of Riel 📝

“How has the portrayals of Louis Riel changed over time?” That was our driving question for this project. Over the past few weeks in PLP 9, we have been learning about Louis Riel and his impact on Canadian history. To answer our driving question, we looked at many videos, articles, and statues made about Riel,…

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Winter Exhibition 2023 ❄️

‘How do ideas drive change?’ This was our driving question for our winter exhibition of 2023. We were shown many examples of of how ideas drive change in revolutions, and that is what we focused on showing and connecting in our metaphor machines. Our class of 50 people were divided into seven groups, each assigned…

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You’re Next… 😱

Dark, Mysterious, Creepy. Those are the emotions that you typically feel when watching a thriller video, and those are the emotions that PLP 9 was trying to make our audience feel when creating our own thriller video. In one of my previous posts, I talked about how PLP 9 was running a remake of a…

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Loon Lake Adventure! 🏞️

How do the choices we make set our future path? That was the question that the entirety of PLP 9 was trying to answer on our trip to loon lake. During our time there, we learned about 5 main subjects to help us answer this question. Emotional Intelligence, Internal Talk, Clear Communication, Social Awareness, and…

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Take Your Kid To Work Day! 💼

When I was little, I used to wonder what my dad actually did when he went to work for the day. Well today I got a chance to find out. Today was take your kid to work day at our school, and I was told to make a video showing what a day in my…

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Running a Remake! 🎥

Action! In class, we watched a short horror film called “Run”, and had to remake our own versions of it in groups. We were trying to get it as close to the original as possible, which includes shots, angles, timing, sound, etc. Original Video: My group’s first try went pretty well. Our sounds matched the…

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My Rocky Mountain Adventure! 🏔️

Crystal blue lakes, huge Rocky Mountains, cool white glaciers. That’s what I think of when I remember Alberta. In September, we started a new project in humanities on the geography of the west. Our driving question is ‘how does the geography of the west shape who we are?’ To answer this question, we decided to…

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Movie Making in School! 📸

“Action!” I heard that word too many times to count throughout this project. Few minutes of acting and filming turned into hours of editing. “How might I use moving images to tell a story?” That is our driving question that we were trying to answer for Maker. The assignment was for us to make 4…

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My Summer Learning of 2023 ☀️🏝️

Now that I am going into grade 9 of PLP, I need to prepare. To help me do that, I was assigned summer learning to get me ready for this coming school year. I was told to create a goal keeper on book creator. My teachers provided me a book to download and read to…

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