Frankenstuffie Revolution

Hello and welcome to my final blog post of the 2020 year! Finally, a well earned break for all of us.

We just finished our 3rd project of this quadmester called Rise of the Frankenstuffies. We jumped from the American and French Revolution to the Industrial revolution that is still going today. We started this project by making a frankenstuffie. You might ask: what is a frankenstuffie? Well one is made when 2 or more different stuffed animals share their parts with each other to create a hybrid animal. The driving question was “how do revolutions transform the world” and we learned this by going through the different stages of the industrial revolution and making a film of our frankenstuffie going through this period of time.

There were 6 milestones in this project in which I thought that the 2nd, 4th and 6th milestones were quite important to this project.

After we made our frankenstuffie, we had to make a short story for our little furry friends. This was milestone 2. In my story, I showed my stuffie Jeremy going through the industrial revolution and what he did about it. I felt I used correct grammar and everything was clean, but I could of definitely used a couple different ways of telling my story. I feel like I am going to spoil my story at some point so here it is before that happens:

In our 4th milestone, we were assigned in making a screenplay based on our short story. A screenplay includes what people are saying along where it takes place and what time of day it takes place in. It is basically a detailed version of a script and it was definitely worth it because it made our final video much easier. I had to basically brought everything in my story and had to convert it to a short film. It was tough because you had to bring all the key points or parts like the industrial revolution’s consequences and had to leave out the unnecessary ones. Here was my screenplay:

In our 6th milestone, this is when we finally put together our final video. This ended up being quite tough for me. I had planned my screenplay and my storyboard but my skills on making the movie and it was tough to get all the resources I needed everyday for filming. A lot of my work at home helped a lot because I had access to plenty of stuffies, different voices, and a good setup. I definitely got my movie done with all the necessary parts but it was not as good as I would of hoped. I think I could definitely learn from my classmates next time we have to edit a video. Nonetheless, here was my final product: 

I think that revolutions transform the world by changing the economic and society structure and causing a chain reaction of movement from one area to another. From where people work to how they are treated, many revolutions transform how people think and act.

Well that’s going to be it for today’s blog. I hope you enjoyed it and have a great holiday. Merry Christmas!

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