Constructing creative communication Pt. 2 Herzog

Hi welcome back to my blog… on this side for the maker project “constricting creative communication” we worked on photography…   

One of the first photos we took was a photo of a personified everyday object. For mine I stole ruby’s (gross) AirPods. I made them into two peas in an AirPods by outlining the AirPods in green and adding little faces to them to try and give them personality. 

We also went on a photography walk to the park to take lots of different styles of photos, like long shots and close ups and we played around with panorama and different types of editing.

Me and my friends took a couple of shots just for fun but I also learned a lot about creating photos that represent the vision in my mind into a photo using the different techniques.

Another photo we worked on to Learn about creating mood. We picked a card with an emotion on it and we took a photo showing the the emotion. The emotion I got was excitement and i wanted to show it with something more personal to me so I chose to take a photo of a volleyball mid-air to show how exiting it is when you go up to hit the ball. It also showed the motion of the ball through the air and brighter colours with editing to give it a happy exited feeling. 

The final thing we learnt how to do was create gifs. I was in a silly goofy mood for the first few a made where just for fun but the gif we handed in had to have an emotion attached to the gif. I chose shocked and included a written exclamation to help show the point. The gifs are posted on my about me page go check them out if you would like.

Learning about photography was more then just taking a photo it was about creating a photo using different techniques that makes people feel a emotion.

Thanks for reading my blog? Bye

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