Working with words

I’ve never really been into poetry, but mostly because I’ve never tried writing my own poetry. Poetry has always, in some way, been present in my life wether its me as a kid reading doctor Suess or someone resisting poetry on TV and i never took the time toreally experience it.

The driving question for this project was “how can I construct texts that show who I am right now?”

This whole project was about discovering more about our individual and unique world views and I tried o show that in my Ebook with the different shades of purples and greens of the pages and the slightly strange layout of the poems.

We had to write nine poems to include in our book and have a supporting texts to each one.

Simile Poem – 10 lines, describe your worldview with similes

Extended Metaphor – 6-8 sentences, compare a part of your worldview to something else

Haiku – 3, show a change in the third line results from a shift in your worldview

Found Poem – choose a text that reveals something about your worldview that is at least 50/100 words, cut in half, write 3-5 sentences at the end showing how you changed the original text

Imagery Poem – using alliteration and assonance, 10-15 lines, describe a part of your worldview that you haven’t discussed before

Sound Poem – 10-15 lines, what is the sound of your worldview

Experience Poem – 15-20 lines, using denotation/connotation, mood, and a specific theme, describe an experience that shaped your worldview

Personification Poem – 10-15 lines, personify worldview itself (this could be your group’s poem or you can write your own)

Self-Portrait Poem – 25-30 lines, who are you?

We also learnt about poetry vocabulary and skills to use to improve our poetry writing!

Set One:1. Simile: Comparison between two unlike things using like or as. Ex: His hair was like spaghetti.2. Cliché: An overused expression.Ex: Life is like a box of chocolates. 3. Rhyme Scheme: The pattern of rhymes in a poem.Ex: The cat sat on the mat.He was black.AAAB rhyme scheme 4. Metaphor: Comparison between two unlike things.Ex: My love is a red, red rose that grows for you.5. Free Verse: A poem with no regular rhyme or rhythmSet Two:6. Haiku: A short three line poem with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the last line. It general contains a surprise in the third line.Ex: Flowers on the desk Fall suddenly to the floorExplode into dust.7. Juxtaposition: Two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect. Ex: flowers and explosion in the haiku above!8. Found Poem: Poems created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry (a literary equivalent of a collage) by making changes in spacing and lines, or by adding or deleting text, thus imparting new meaning.Set Three: 9. Imagery: Description that appeals to the senses: smell, sight, sound, taste, touch (not just sight!) Ex: The babbling brook ran gently over the rocks cooling my aching feet as they dangled in it. 10. Mood: The feeling the poem creates in the reader. Ex: happy, sad, scared11. Repetition: Repeated words, phrases, sounds, ideas within a poem to create emphasis or rhythm. 12. Alliteration: Repeated consonant sounds, often at the beginning of words. Ex: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.13. Assonance: Repeated vowel sounds. Ex: deep greenSet Four:14. Onomatopoeia: words that sound like what they mean Ex: beep, bang, meow, 15. Denotation: the literal definition of a word. Ex: a house is a place where people live.16. Connotation: the associated feeling that come with a word. Ex: safe, comforting, warm Set Five: 17. Theme: life lesson, meaning, moral or message about life or human nature that is communicated by a literary work. Ex: don’t judge people by the surface,  its better to die free than to live under tyranny, money can’t buy happiness.Set Six: 18. Personification: giving human characteristics to something non-human

(I was just going to add in a photo of those but for some reason I’m not able to add photos)

I learnt a lot about myself and a lot about poetry over this project so please go check out my Ebook!!!!!!

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