The seven habits are back! For our PGP this year, we did some revisiting and went back to the seven habits. More importantly, we focused on “how to be our most effective self”. I will break this post into two… Continue Reading →
The BlueSky project is the final year end project for PLP. It is something that a lot of people look forward to as it allows you to stretch your creative legs. It normally goes like this: you’re given a topic… Continue Reading →
Today, we will be talking about my favourite Humanities project from grade 9. This project was focused on Canada’s impact in WW1. We did research about a Canadian soldier of our choice, and we put together a book comprised of… Continue Reading →
The Tpol is our big, end-of-year reflection. To many, the Tpols are a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from ecstatic because it’s the end of the school year, to very sad because you have to complete the Tpols. They’re basically a… Continue Reading →
Welcome back to my blog. Today we’re going to be talking about our Maker project, “Witness to History”. “Witness to History” was all about taking a step back and realizing that we are in an unfolding history lesson. As a… Continue Reading →
Welcome back to my blog. Today I’ll be talking about our Scimatics (Science+Mathematics) project, Time Is Money. The focus of this project was to show what it takes to start a small business, and what costs, and man hours you… Continue Reading →
Welcome back to my blog. Today I’ll be talking about our Scimatics (Science+Mathematics) project, Time Is Money. The focus of this project was to show what it takes to start a small business, and what costs and man hours you… Continue Reading →
As you may know, D.I is a competition that has students compete in different themed challenges. These students participate in regional, provincial, and (some go to) globals. However, as EVERYONE also knows, we’ve been given the coronavirus. This is a… Continue Reading →
Welcome to the D.I Regionals. D.I stands for Destination Imagination, and it’s a competition between schools and grades Although there are new challenges every year, there are normally a set of five different ones, including Scientific challenges, Engineering challenges, Fine… Continue Reading →
Welcome to my Scimatics (science+math) post. This post is going to be about the Rube Goldberg machine that my group created. This machine was built to represent two things. #1: the scientific method, and #2: our knowledge of how to… Continue Reading →
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