As I write this my blog is now out in the world whether or not anyone has read it I do not know but, does it really matter, I learned something, did something, how much does it really matter if anyone other than my teacher reads it? Anyways here is my reflection on my writing process.
When I was writing my blog, the writing itself was the least of my problems, one of my problems was gathering information, I chose AI as my topic and AI is an inherently complex subject, I didn’t make it easy on myself and for my second postI went into the math behind neural networks which meant many google searches about how sigma notation worked, what a bias is, and how weights are used and other complex stuff. The other problemI encountered was actually importing my writing into WordPress. I use notion for my writing(great app, would recommend) and notion exports in 3 formats, notion actually chose 3 very nice, widely supported formats, those being markdown, html, and pdf, WordPress on the other hand does not support the proper import of any of these without a plugin which WordPress does not let you install on most blogs So as a result of this I had to type out both of my posts again in the built in WordPress editor thenI had to convert all of my mathematical formula to images so WordPress would accept them. So yeah that was my journey with my blog post, and my discovery of how much I hate wordpress, I still have to use it though so, I guess im stuck for now.