EMPOL 2023

Hey there welcome back! In this post I will be summarizing what I have done so far this year without being ignorant of my mistakes and wins. 

Creativity and communication: this term I had to use my creative skills with the avatar exhibition. And this is all when collaboration comes into hand, i have recognized that i am great with coming up with ideas but i tend to shut down other peoples and think of it almost as “my way or the highway” yk? And once i get an idea into my head it is hard to accept anything else. Now this tactic has ranged throughout all of my group projects. How can i prevent that? I think i could maybe let ideas sink in and i can use my ideas to make the ideas come together and become more of a group project. And when i say this, i don’t mean that i am not fawned of group projects because they are definitely my favourite part of PLP. I love group projects because it almost pushes me to be the best student possible because people rely on others. Collaboration is kinda a tough situation for me because i love people but working with them can be tough and easy. My goal for the end of the year is to learn how to collaborate ideas and make use i am not just being selfish. I have to learn how to hear, think and see from other peoples minds because that will help me turn into us. As people say there is no ‘I’ in team, I think i have to get that into my head. What i will do now is whenever i can find myself getting stubborn ill maybe just look down and whisper no i, just team. 

One thing that has really helped me through this term is music. I would always listen to the same playlist doing my work. Here it is

Feel free to take a listen while reading this.
