In maker for the past little while we have been doing DI (Destination Imagination). In DI you do a team challenge and instant challenges. By the way DI is one of the hardest things to explain to someone who hasn’t done it, you really need to do it to truly understand it.
In an instant challenge it is either performance based, task based or a combination. You usually have five to eight minutes to do your challenge. If it is a performance challenge you usually have about four to five minutes to plan and prepare, and usually two minutes to present. If it’s a task based challenge you usually have to make something that does something and you also have about four to five minutes to plan and make it and usually two to present. If it is a mix of a performance and a task then you have to make something and do a performance and usually you have to integrate the two into eachother.
For the team challenge which is the main part of DI you have a team of two to eight people and you have to select what challenge your team wants to do. There are six different categories for challenges to choose from.
Then your have to solve the challenge by doing whatever your need to do to solve it and you have to do it without anybody’s help, that includes parents, friends and teachers. If anyone that’s not in your group give you an idea or helps you make something you can’t use that. You also have a budget which varies depending on the challenge. Also, in almost all the challenges you need to have two team choice elements, the elements should express your talents and interests. Once you have completed it you go to tournaments, first you go to your regional tournament, then your provincial tournament and then globals.
My Challenge
My group was Luciano, Jason, Kyle and me. We chose to do the scientific challenge which was the Unlikely Attraction. For our challenge you needed two make an amusement park attraction in an unlikely location. The first thing we did was make our team name, to do that we all wrote down a bunch of one word ideas on a piece of paper. I don’t really know what they did after that because I wasn’t actually there but I got a text with our name in it, our name was Space Cows.
A lot of what we did for DI was planing and preparing like coming up with our story line and what the ride was going to be. The location we chose was Phobos which is one of the moons of Mars and the Greek god of fear (that is where the word phobia comes from) and that that tied into our story. Because part of the challenge was that the ride had to have an impact on the place and things around it, I thought it would be cool if the ride gave people phobias. Our ride was a spaceship rocking chair originally we wanted to make a mechanical bull ride type with a spring but we couldn’t find a spring that was cheap so I came up with the rocking chair idea.
these are the pages of our script:
These are some drawings of the ride
- This is one of the original ideas for the ride and how aerodynamics would affect it
- This is just another drawing of the ride
- This was an idea we had for the spring
- This is another draft of the ride
- This is one of the drawings I made of how it would go together
- These are some of the measurements for the wood we needed
- We couldn’t find a spring so we needed a different solution so I came up with the idea of a kind of rocking chair thing
- This is another drawing of an idea of how we where going to sit on it
- This is the one of the final drawings of the ride
- This is an idea for a back ground for our presentation
This is a time lapse of us making the ride:
Luckily for us the regionals were at my school so once we brought everything that we made at home to school we didn’t need to move it that much, at least not as much as the other team in our region who had to move their entire thing to Seycove .
these are pictures of our team at the tournament:
This was ny first time doing a DI tournament so I didn’t really know what to expect except what our teachers told us. They mostly just told us that it was going to be very chaotic and busy. At the tournament which we where at pretty much all day a lot of what we where doing was just waiting around. There was a Concession so we did eat a lot of junk food but overall it was quite fun because we got to hang out with our friends and watch them perform. It was fun because we knew our way around.
This is a video of our performance:
In our performance we did pretty good. We forgot a few lines and skipped a couple of our lines. Our setup was not great but it was pretty good considering we hadn’t practiced with a lot of the things before. There are quite a few things that we are going to fix before provincials but overall we must of done a pretty good job because we ended up winning the competition for our category.