tPOL (transitional Presentation Of Learning) is the end of year version of the mPOL. For our tPOL they gave us a driving question: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? So basically it’s us telling our teachers how we grew as a learner and us trying to convince our teachers that we are ready for the next grade. Enjoy.

In PLP the teachers have an out line for each grade. So for our grade eight year this was the outline:

Content/Inquiry – Worldview

Focus – Story Telling

Medium – Still Images

Message – Presentation


Content/Inquiry – Worldview

What helped me grow the most:

I think in general learning about worldview and religion really opened my eyes to a lot of different things I hadn’t really known about.

What I’m most proud of:

For this,  I’m most proud of the religion info graphic we made about Islam. We had to learn a lot about that religion and culture to make it. The project turned out really well and I learned a lot from doing that.

What was the most fun:

The thing that was the most fun for this was probably going on the field study to all the different religious sites so we could see the actual places that the religions are practiced in and then we got lunch after.

Focus – Story Telling:

What helped me grow the most:

The part that helped me grow the most in this area was when we learned about the hero’s journey. Before this I kind of new how to tell a story from the story cliff thing that we learned about earlier. After we learned that I felt like I now understand how to write a story much better.

What I’m most proud of and what was the most fun:

One of the works I’m most proud of for this is the colonizing in a tempest tablo. We had to take a story that already existed and put it in a new setting, it turned out really well and it was a lot of fun to perform.

What do I need to improve on:

I think one of the main things I need to improve on is the actual writing of the story. I can think of a story and structure it fairly well but the actual writing of the details of the story needs improvement.


Medium – Still Images:

What helped me grow the most:

The thing that that helped me grow the most was ads we made for the advertisement unit. The ads we made helped me grow because we learned a lot about how different kinds of designs and how to convey different messages.   It also helped me with taking critique because we received a lot of it when we were creating our ads for the Oregon field study. In general we learned so many new skills.

What I’m most proud of:

The thing I’m most proud of for this is the infographic. It turned out very well because our group worked really hard on it. It looked great and conveyed the information needed. Also in science and math I was able to teach everyone how to use an app for a project.

What was the most fun:

I think the most fun thing we did for this were the ads in Oregon because we got to go on an awesome field study to Oregon which was so much fun.

What do I need to improve on:

One of the things I need to improve on for this is working within a group and sharing our ideas. Even though I think I’m pretty good at working in a group I think this could still use a little bit of improvement.

Message – Presentation:

What helped me grow the most:

I think all of the presentations we did this year helped me grow. Right from the beginning of the year we were presenting in front for people we didn’t know and that helped me  gradually build up my confidence. For example, at the beginning of the year when we went to Oregon and interviewed the people that we were doing our ads for I didn’t speak very much and then at DI my group and I were acting in front of a big crowd.


What I’m most proud of and what was the most fun:

One of things I’m most proud of for this is DI because my group and I worked very hard on it .We all contributed lots to the play and the story so it turned out really good. We won the regionals and placed third at provincials. I also think it was the most fun because we got to create our own story and be really goofy and stuff.

What do I need to improve on:

For this I could improve on making and memorizing a script so that I have a better idea of what to say. Also when I’m in group projects and we’re interviewing someone I should try to do a little more talking.

Well that was my tPOL which means the end of the school year is coming up hooray!

One Response

  1. Mervin Black at |

    Sounds like you have a fantastic year, Fraser. Best wishes for next year.


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