tPOL (transitional Presentation Of Learning) is the end of year version of the mPOL. For our tPOL they gave us… read more
tPOL (transitional Presentation Of Learning) is the end of year version of the mPOL. For our tPOL they gave us… read more
In maker we did a short little project called L.A.U.N.C.H. In this we used something called the launch cycle. The… read more
This is the blog post for the DI provincials the last DI post was about the regionals. So in this… read more
In maker for the past little while we have been doing DI (Destination Imagination). In DI you do a team challenge… read more
The mPOL is a reflection on our work and what kind of learner we are from the first half of… read more
For our first exhibition we had to come up whith an inquiry question about Star Wars. My question was: … read more
For our first project in maker we looked at growth and fixed mindsets. First we looked at what a growth… read more