🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?

Why do politics matter and why should you bother? That’s the question we were working towards finding an answer to in our most recent Humanities project titled “Who cares and why bother?” This project centred around politics, the structure of the Canadian government, and why young people should be involved in the political process. Throughout… Continue Reading 🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?

🧙‍♂️ How to Become a PLP Technology Wizard (tips for a grade 8 from a grade 11)

Welcome back to yet another year of school. I’m in grade 11 now (yes I’m still in denial about that: no way has it been three years of PLP already). This summer I did a lot of online math and french for school (don’t recommend). Thankfully, I also got to go on a camping trip… Continue Reading 🧙‍♂️ How to Become a PLP Technology Wizard (tips for a grade 8 from a grade 11)

💭 tPOL 2023

Welcome! It’s tPOL time of year again. In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we in PLP call a tPOL – Transitional Presentation of Learning – while I talk about… Continue Reading 💭 tPOL 2023

🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism

Welcome! In this project we created a video essay about tourism. While most of PLP 10 went on a field study to Disney World in Florida, some of us stayed behind, myself included. Our driving question was: How do tourist attractions shape and influence the cultural, economic, psychological, and social experiences of visitors? Our final… Continue Reading 🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism

🎙️mPOL 2023

Welcome! It’s mPOL time of year again. In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we in PLP call an mPOL – Midyear Presentation of Learning – while I talk about… Continue Reading 🎙️mPOL 2023

⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?

Welcome and if you’ve visited this blog before, welcome back! My summer break consisted of camping, French 10 online, Lifeguarding and Swim Instructing. Here are some of the photos I took during my family’s camping trip to Miracle Beach on Vancouver Island (featuring our adorable pup, Maruka): Photos © Fraser.Artist. All Rights Reserved. Visit fraserartist.wixsite.com/home… Continue Reading ⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?