Hello folks welcome to a post thats a new one for me. Well, for all of us in the PLP 9 class actually. This most recent project is a part of our Career 9 class. We learnt about the rights we have as young workers.
The first thing we did was watch a (terrifying) video that covers 4 stories of injured young workers along with a few statistics regarding the rate of injury for young workers. Here is the video, viewer discretion is advised:
After that we learnt about the actual rights and procedures that employers have to go through. There are three steps:
- Orientation
- Training
- Supervisions
A good example of this was a video I had to watch and take notes their procedure. You can see clearly the three steps:
To me this course was really helpful especially since I was just hired as a cashier at a local super market and I am by law required to do this course. A lot of the lingo that I learnt in this course, both at school and at work, was kinds confusing and I didn’t really understand it but after having to apply it and talk about it in class.
I found myself understanding how the laws were applicable. At my job I have to follow very strict rules and codes according to B.-C. regulation especially in regards to specific products I have to sell.
But as a young worker I didn’t know a lot of the dangers I could run into on the job, for example I can’t operate a machine called the baler at my place of work because I have to be 18, even is someone asks me to. But as a worker I have to right to refuse work I am not a) allowed to do b) not trained to do. So I made this poster to help out which focuses on a very helpful site: Work Safe B.-C.
Here it is:
So if you’re going into a job, as a young worker, even as an older worker, read through things carefully! Make sure you get your training and that you know what you’re doing. The most important thing is to remember: If you don’t know how. Don’t. Ask for help.