
This is my mid-year presentation it’s about how my progression though the mid-year. teachers assess progress and plan for the future. I will be talking about my projects, topics, concepts and skills.

I was assign projects to in maker and humanities. The project I like the most are the maker projects like the Avatar boxes we built. Avatar boxes were supposed to represent the room that we were in my room was was in the library. I was in the everything but blue room. The other room was the golden room. We had a box that we filled stuff from the avatar and themed it like the avatar to explain what we did in our box.  this was my first exhibition. It was very interesting doing an exhibition because I’ve never done an exhibition before it sparked a lot of creativity for me. Another project is called the book creator is an app that you create a book. The book we had to create was a bunch of drawings we’ve done in class. It was very interesting using an app that I’ve never used before and using Book Creator. I will probably use it in the future for PLP. For humanities, we learned ages middle ages is very interesting to me cause I’ve never learned about it before it was interesting seeing a time that I would’ve never experienced or that any of my family members but love never experienced. It was interesting to see what the Middle Ages would’ve looked like if we were in it, and what it was. The most recent project I did was on radical in novations. This project was about how the innovations during the time of the renaissance we need a triptych to show what inventions that we wanted to discuss the most. It was very interesting doing this project. I’ve never done a project like it and I’ve never made a triptych before. I find PLP that we can be more creative in projects. All of my projects I try to create something I will be proud of. Performance learning programs or PLP offer students the opportunity to maximize their potential. teach them to use their knowledge, skills, and abilities to their best advantage. I think its true because my project has been getting better and better  this is my learning plane plan is supposed to help me for myself  to make my learning better and more efficient for myself. You can read my learning plan. It’s on the bottom of my blog.

Triptych in the Renaissance

New ideas in renaissance changed the renaissance world

The Renaissance was a period of great change, resulting in advances in humanism, science, technology, philosophy, economics, finance, politics, art and literature. This revolution had a profound impact on the Western world, with new ideas and ways of thinking leading to a period of creativity and understanding.

The traditional idea of the renaissance 

The Renaissance was a time of great progress and innovation, ways of doing things, resulting in new forms of architecture, improved efficiencies and the development of entirely new concepts. The Renaissance was a time of progress and creativity, transforming and influencing the way we work and live today.

The renaissance ideas are still use today

The Renaissance period was a time of great intellectual and cultural progress, which led to the development of major breakthroughs in science, mathematics, art, and literature. Through the Renaissance’s intellectual curiosity, ideas like democracy were born, and essential technologies such as modern medicine have been developed. These advancements have had a lasting impact on the world and continue to shape our society to this day.

The Renaissance began in the 14th century and had a great impact on the world in terms of advancing our knowledge, culture, and technology. During this period, new ideas and ways of thinking led to a period of great change and progress. These changes led to advances in science, technology, philosophy, economics, finance, politics, art, and literature. These advancements had a long-lasting impact on the world and are still seen today.

book creator

Book creator is an app that helps make a book about what you you want to make. I put a picture of my drawing to show what I have done in maker class.

The Middle Ages

The Middle Ages was fun to learn about in class because we could learn about a system that we would never live in and we could learn about what happened during that time and what historical events happened that were useful to know. We Learned about the crusades the crusades were about Christianity trying to take their holy land back from Muslims that was interesting because I did not know it happened and I did not know much about crusades or the middle ages so it’s interesting to learn about it. We could learn about the difference between a manor and a town we learn the difference between the Middle Ages and the crusades even though they were in the same time. We learned about how the middle-age people lived in their society and you can compare that to how we live. It’s important to learn about this that we know it’s not repeat history and do something that was not good like the Crusades fighting is never the answer that’s what I think I think it’s important to learn about these certain things because if we don’t Then it could get repeated.

What we do in PLP

This is a silhouette I made it with markup and photos. I edited the photo to make it just have my silhouette in doing this I learned how to use a lot of different settings in Photo this is useful because if I ever need to use contrast in photos I know how to do it now.

This is my Angle picture let’s picture teaches us how do use angles these angles can help us to learn how to use angles and to use them to advantage in photos to make them look better and visually

This is a Worms View this view is a perspective from a worm or a very small creature that’s why it’s called a worms eye view this is useful because you can use this view for different projects that you have and you can use different perspectives in the same picture

This view is used for smaller cameras that can’t take that big of a picture so you hold the button and you go slowly across to make the camera see all of the picture this is useful because you can use it in very big areas where you are very close to it this is used for Because you can make multiple different perspective and you can show more of what you need to show.








Raspberry pi

Welcome to my blog 

I will be talking about a mini computer called the Raspberry pi. It is used to make robot modules. A module is a tiny PC that controls certain things that you want to do. Another thing it can do is work as a emulator. An emulator can play old, retro video games and on top of that you can use it as a normal daily PC. It is very tiny so you can take it to a hotel and plug it in on your trips when you can’t take your personal computer. It is difficult for beginners, but once you understand circuitry is easier the more times you do it, you might fail but it is only $10 so it’s not a big investment so I recommend it to anybody who likes computers or does not. I really enjoy Raspberry pi because I can make things and I like to make certain things with computers, I will use Raspberry pi a lot for projects I am going to do such as an automatic door opener and closer as I lock my door when I am in my room. The door unlocks through voice command, this is an example of what you can do with a Raspberry pi. Another project I made with my Raspberry pi was that I built a robot that battled against another robot. Another thing you can do with a Raspberry pi is you can make a module for soft top cars. The pi can make the soft top go up easier through voice command. You can make your own custom Siri and you can make your own cloud where you store a bunch of data. I really like Raspberry pi because it is cheap and affordable and available to anybody. You can make a lot of projects if you’re into computers or use computers. I recommend this product for home use and work use. Raspberry pi can be used for various things that you want to do like retro gaming, such as games from your childhood. For people who have never played retro video games you are now able to play those games. Raspberry pi can help you throughout your every day life to make your life just a bit easier

Star Wars

I got into Star Wars because of my dad. My dad and I watched a New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Jedi Returns. I really liked watching these movies with him and the bonding experience we had together. After watching these movies my dad would get me a lightsaber and one for himself and together we would play fight. When I was ten me and my dad built lego sets,  it was fun at the time and on Christmas Day we build a bunch of sets, we have so much fun building it up together.


Hello it’s me, Gino, welcome back to my blog.

This is my WordPack, I have words that relate to me. I said kickboxing because I am a kick-boxer, I like to do tournaments which I compete in. PLP is a performance learning program that requires students to use their iPads. Using IPads we are able to do extensive research about   A variety of subjects. We are able travel to learn more about our planet with our iPads. I learned a lot though PLP about iPads like keynotes and Showbie

My lap emoji using My skills in Keynote And this shows What we do in PLP and what app we use this shows off PLP apps and what we do with these apps to use them for PLP both apps WordPack and Keynote are on iOS is the operating system from the iPads that we use every day for PLP

This is a dream board this is an example of a project that we did for PLP We made it using Notability a app that you can get in the App Store we made this on our iPads to show what we appreciate and our dreams

About me!!!

Hello my name is Gino I am a kick-boxer. I want to be a world champion for kickboxing, I received a black belt in my training. I like lego I build it with my sister and its a lot of fun with her. Sometimes I build it with my dad or mom. During Christmas time me and my mom build puzzles. I did lacrosse for 5 years.

I will be posting about my everyday life for school. I will talk about my schedule and my homework that I have to do. Sometimes I will talk about my home life like if something fun happens.

I will blog about kickboxing tournament if I have any in the future.