Hey guys, one of the main things we have to do in PLP is mPOL’s or, if you like to be fancy, mid-year presentation of learning. Now you’re probably wondering ‘what the heck is a mPOL?’ Well I’m here to answer that question that you may or may not have asked yourself. You already know […]
Month: January 2019
All of Worldview

Hey guys, first post of 2019 pretty exciting right, anyway lets jump right into it. For the last few months our class has been working on one specific project, the world views of world religions. Now this may seem like a pretty long time for a project to go on for but you would be […]
Islam Worldview
Hey everyone, these last few months we have been working on religious worldview and as part of that we were tasked with creating a poster. The poster had to show one of the six religions we visited and how the 7 different aspects of worldview are represented in their culture. My group (Ryan, Ally, Finn, […]
Worldview IRL

Hey guys, for the last few months we have been learning about religious worldview and what better way to understand a religion’s worldview than to visit the sites of worship themselves. However, before we could visit these amazing places we had to learn about the religions first. The first three religions we learned about were […]