Hey guys, the last couple of weeks have been crazy with all these projects that are due at the end of term. One of these projects was a live event video, you may be wondering what the heck that is, well that’s what I’ll be talking about today. Well the video that’s at the top of this post is my final version of the video for this project, so keep reading to learn about the steps it took to make it. What we got to do for this assignment was go to any live event and get specific shots that we would then put into a video. We also used the ISTE standards to help us create our best video yet. This live event could be anything from a hockey game to a piano recital. I decided that I would set mine at the Eastside Cultural Crawl, or more specifically, Parker Street Studios.

Before I could go to the crawl and film everything I first had to create an action plan that showed what shots I wanted, what I would ask my interviewee, and just the basic information about my event. The ISTE standard I used in this part of the project was: Launch Design Thinking Competency: Navigate Ideas. I used this standard by looking at the different shots that were mandatory and thought about how I could show the story of this event with those shots. Once I had come up with a vision for my video I wrote the shots I wanted to get into my action plan as a check list so I knew if I had gotten to shot yet or not. I also came up with the question I wanted to ask the artist I would be interviewing so they could answer the question in a way that would work for my video. If I were to redo this step I would probably make the shots I wanted to get more specific and add more shots to get so I could have a lot more footage to work with.

Once I had competed my action plan it was time to actually go to the Eastside Cultural Crawl and film everything that I needed. The studio overwhelming when I got into it, there were signs on every other wall telling me about all the different studios I had to visit. I was intimidated by all the artists and their work that it took me a while to build up the courage to ask for an interview with one of the artists. Luckily the first artist I asked, Judson Beaumont, was very friendly and was happy to be interviewed by me. The ISTE standard that I used in this part of the project was Empowered Learner. I used it by using my intuition and iPad to find the best shots for my video while also learning and finding new ways to shoot different things.
The final stage of this video was to edit all the footage together for my final product. I found that this was the step that I used knowledge of editing from all my previous videos to help me create an even better video. I decided that I would cue my video up to music, a little bit like my Alberta video, so that the flow would be a lot more natural. I feel that I did a great job at using the ISTE standard Creative Communicator in the editing process. I used this standard at many different times, like when I decided to use the song Anything by Chris James because it really helped convey the feeling I was going for in this video. It also had a part where there was a series of notes that I used to show a fast montage of all the different types of art in the studio. Once I had put all of my clips together, including my interview with Judson Beaumont, in a way that I felt communicated and expressed the story of the event, I asked for the opinions of my family on the video. They were able to give me some great feedback on how I could communicate the story more by adding text or voiceover to tell people what the actual event was about. I used the Creative Communicator ISTE standard to write the title that would appear on the different shots to tell people what the event was and what it did.
All in all I feel like I made a great video using the ISTE standards to show the story of the day. I understood my mistakes on other videos and figured out how I could stop myself from making those same mistakes. I followed the criteria to create my plan for the day while still leaving room if something happened, and I was able to take feedback and make my video even better than before.