Unknown Adaptions

Hello my good fellows, if you’ve been reading my recent blog posts then you know that for the last few weeks we’ve been looking at Romeo and Juliet and how that classic story is adapted to modern times. When hearing that your mind most likely automatically goes to much more straight forward adaptions of the […]

The Wondrous World of a Dancing Wonderland

As you guys probably know, this year we’ve been creating a podcast that surrounds a topic of our choice, I decided to go with dance. As you can expect it requires a lot of research and that was no different for our most recent episode.  https://open.spotify.com/episode/4K419NI7QlHxoo96kyDz3i?si=lARanFpTQKSxcDRJxrcH-A This episode surrounded the idea of adaptions and how […]

An Unknown Foulness

Well hello my dear readers, it’s been a minute but I am back so without anymore hesitation lets get into this weeks blog post. So recently we’ve started a new project in Humanities called iHeart Verona and as you could maybe tell by the name it surrounds Romeo and Juliet. Now, I’m not going to […]