Another activity sorta thing  (I don’t know what to call it) we did in Maker was building a roller coaster!

Not a real one of course (though that would’ve been fun). 

First thing we did was get into groups, I was with Jupiter and Owen. We then watched a video explaining that we were hired by ‘Scream-o-Rama’ to design a brand new roller coaster.

We learned a bit about kinetic and potential energy using a Phet simulator. We learned what materials we could use, toilet paper rolls, tape, a marble, toothpicks, and scissors

Another thing about the coaster we made is that it had to be under budget, each material cost a certain amount, and we had a budget of $1 million.

The next day I was sick, so I didn’t do anything, but Owen and Jupiter planned out what materials we could use, and came up with a plan for the coaster. 

The next day we got our materials and started building. Originally we planned to have a loop, but we couldn’t get that to work, so we just built a turn. 

Here’s a video- 

Overall, I’m proud of what we did, I think the coaster turned out well, but there wasn’t much to it. If we were to do this again, I think I’d want to add more. We stayed under budget though, which was good!

Thanks for reading, have a good day!

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