šŸš‚Full Steam Ahead šŸš‚

Welcome back to another Humanities post! I kept forgetting we had to do a post for this project, and Iā€™m sort of running out of time so Iā€™ll do it now.Ā 

This project was all about the Industrial Revolution! We learned about some important innovations from the era, such as the cotton gin ( a device used to quickly remove seeds from cotton fibre) and the automobile. We also learned about cause and consequence.Ā 

One of the first assignments we did was fill in a couple of graphic organizers, one about inventions from the Industrial Revolution, and the other about causes and consequences of James Wattā€™s steam engine. Here they are:

One of the other parts of this project was writing a formal paragraph, based on a subject of our choice, I chose to do mine on the environmental impacts of the Revolution because I thought it would be interesting. Hereā€™s the notes I took while researching my subject, as well as my finished paragraph:

The final part of this project was to write and perform a slam poem. I was very nervous about this, mainly because I donā€™t like reading in front of the whole class (at an exhibition, Iā€™m only talking to a few people max and thatā€™s a lot better for me) and I was worried my poem would sound stupid and Iā€™d just embarrass myself. But everything did turn out fine.Ā 

We started by watching a few videos of slam poems and trying to see how we could write our own.Ā 

We had to choose one of these, and fill in a document analyzing it.

After this we started thinking of ideas for our poems, the theme, content, emotional response from the audience, and how we wanted to deliver it.Ā 

Hereā€™s my poem:

Overall, I think I did well in this project, though I think I shouldā€™ve done this post earlier because I feel like Iā€™m forgetting somethingā€¦ But other than that, Iā€™m proud of my paragraph, and my poem. I feel I could have done better with the presentation of my poem though.Ā 

Thanks for reading, have a good day!Ā 

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