November 8

Why Does The World Need More Canada?

Hello, and welcome back to my blog! It’s been a very long time, hasn’t it? 

Before you ask about my summer YOU DONT CARE ABOUT THAT. DONT WORRY ABOUT THAT. We’re going to make this quick, so put your big girl pants on and listen as I tell you about PLP’s latest project: Why Does The World Need More Canada?

This project is centered around the country we reside in; Canada! We were assigned it to investigate the current events relating to Canada, and how we could choose a topic and turn it into a podcast. We were told to a create a 4 minute essay that we would use as our script for our podcast. We started doing “thinking Thursdays”, basing our thinking Thursday topic on a short story on CNN (a Canadian news network).

There were a lot of things I liked about this project, and didn’t like. Some things I would change, and others I would keep exactly the same. So, let’s get into the nitty gritty!!

One of the things that I actually find I did do well during this project was the writing. While I am writing this post, I am pausing for a minute every 10 seconds because I have no idea what to write. But for my project, I found that I was very on task and knew what I was going to write before I wrote it. It was very efficient for me, and made me feel more confident in my work for the project.

Another thing I am proud of for this project was the effort I put into it. While I handed it in late… I do believe that I put a lot of time and energy into finishing, and making the best product I could make… somewhat. Though I am much more proud of my writing work rather than my podcast, I still feel like that’s something to be happy about.

Now, onto the things I would work on for the next project; and what I wasn’t so pleased with was my time management. No, this is not specific to anything I did during the project; but I really could’ve managed my time better to hand in work that has my all put into it, instead of something half-assed (sorry but it’s true). For my podcast, I feel as if when I was recording I could’ve added more, but I didn’t make any time to because it was already 2 weeks overdue.

One more thing I’d work on for my next project is my audio quality. It’s kind of self explanatory, but I think I should use a microphone next time. Though, there is not much I’d like to change about my podcast; aside from the fact that I should put more effort into my project next time.

Thank you for reading, and I’m sorry it’s short!

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