“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We… Continue Reading →
Hey y’all and welcome back to my blog! We’ve just finished a very exciting and fast paced project. This project was all about music and poetry. Our driving question for this project was “How can we use music to represent… Continue Reading →
Yo welcome back to my blog. We just wrapped up the second project of the year and my first winter exhibition in a couple years. Both of which were definitely intense but turned out A-OK in the end. The project… Continue Reading →
It’s back to being blog time guys. And recently we’ve been doing one hell of a project. We are currently talking all about the atomic bomb. And one of the key parts to understanding the atomic bomb has been reading… Continue Reading →
Yo, welcome back to my blog. We’ve just recently started a new project which is going to be all about the Manhattan project. My teacher has a lofty goal of convincing us that the Manhattan project is an The most… Continue Reading →
What up guys welcome back to my blog. We just wrapped up our first project of the year, and you may have seen a couple of my previous posts on this project, but it’s all about politics. When we started… Continue Reading →
Hey guys welcome to the newest blog post. We’re still on this same politics project, but now I’ve got a group and a party!! It’s made up of me, Julia, Gabe, Anders, and Matthew, and our party is the Future… Continue Reading →
Yo and welcome to the first blog post of the year. If you’ve noticed my two month long hiatus, have no fear, I’ve returned. We’ve started a truly epic project all about Canadian politics. If you’ve set foot in Canada… Continue Reading →
Gee-wiz welcome back folks (I’m a master at 50’s slang). We have just finished up our big project about the 1950s. In this project we were tasked with answering the driving question “How did Canadian life develop after WWII?” We… Continue Reading →
Hiya and welcome to the Blog. As I’m sure you gleaned from my recent post titles we’ve been talking about Canadian life post WW2 and 50s in school. However this week I wanted to talk about a more indirect change… Continue Reading →
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