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The Spring Exhibition – 2022

Hola! Recently we had another exhibition. Although our last exhibition was more of an acted out thing, this time we had to set up a whole exhibit that we were in charge of planning and creating! (Along with a few grade 8s)

To start off we got sorted into our groups – my group consisted of Max, Faith, Theryn, Erik, Cale, Ben, Patrick, and Noah! We worked together to create all of the main things for the room including the floor layout, different stations, where people where, and more! Our room theme was technology for learning.

Once we had our groups we started to plan out the room. This included different stations, where people where going to be, what was going to be shown, and more all had to be added into our room layout. Here was the first draft of our room layout and the final one.

Next we started to draw out what the different stations would look like – we each had a different station to draw out (most likely your own station) that means I had to draw out the interactive station – the interactive station included an area with a black backdrop where we would show people how to use action movie and on the other side had a green screen setup with props and we would show people how to use it and insert them into scenes like a beach or mountain top.


While all of this was happening we started to create decor and came up with ideas for the food we would be serving at the exhibition here came the fight over the cookies – basically we wanted to serve cookies as a main food choice for the exhibition but we needed at least 100 which meant we needed to bake and ice 100 cookies which we surprisingly managed to do, 4 people baked 25 each and I then iced all 100 (with a few friends of course – I think either my arm would fall off or I’d eat them all if I had to do it alone)

Next it was time to meet the Grade 8s we would be working with. When we met up with them it was a bit awkward at the beginning but in the end we ended up talking about who was doing what and cleared up where the grade 8s would be and what they would be showing at there stations.

Over the next few classes we worked together when we could to create signs, decor, and shape out the exhibition! And soon the room was coming together – we had props, decor, food & drinks, and everyone knew what they were doing (for the most part). And then before we knew it, it was opening night! We got the room ready, got changed into our costumes got into our station and we were rolling!

In the end it went ok and was a mid experience although I wouldn’t try and do it again, ha…haha..

Thanks for reading!,



Published inExhibitionsMaker

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