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That is an ad, sure it’s one that I made for a semi-fiction thing, unfortunately, there is no Seycove inc., and one made hastily for for this blog post, but it’s still an ad.
But what makes an ad, and why is it important? Is it. At all?
Yeah, it is; that’s why we did a project on it, and a rather cool one too. So I’m going to tell you about it.
So for most of these project blog posts I stick to a format y’know? But for this project it’s ‘gonna be a little different because we had our first field school!
Oregon was a little, no, a lot bonkers, if you want to see the whole thing go to this post:
But yeah, the different part is that I’ll be throwing around some Oregon references. So lets get started.
Keystone 1:
For this keystone, we learned about what advertising is, and the effect it has on us and our lives, to show what we learned, I had to answer a survey and so did my mum. I also had to write a paragraph.
Keystone 2:
For this keystone we learned about some different types of ads and some techniques advertisers use. To show that we understood, we created this analysis chart where we broke down six ads.
Persuasion in Advertising Chart
This was hard because my iPad had broken in Oregon, so I had to do this on pen and paper.
Keystone 3: After going to Oregon and interviewing our business, they told us what they wanted to see in an ad, as well as lots of other useful stuff, y’a know, I’m just going just show you:
As seen in the L.A.U.N.C.H. Portfolio, I made many versions of my ad, but in case you didn’t see, here is my final version:
Then we got to show it of at the exhibition with the rest of my group!

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