Why did I end up in a trench with my iPad trying to record a 14 year guy running in a forest? Well…
Hello everyone, I wasn’t expecting to be doing this again, but it was a short project about film! Again! And again! And again. And again…
But what did we do this time, what did we learn? We were learning about how to re-create a film, how to plan efficiently, and how to accept work of feedback.
Well, we had to run a remake, but what does this mean? We had to re-create an original text, this video:
But how did we make this? We began by scouting our location (we were with a group) we decided where our shots would be then made a storyboard:
Then we filmed, edited, and did some sound design which took a while to create our final product. But the we watched everybody video in class and gave feedback, then we remade our remake. Our feedback was mainly about sound and some other small errors so that was improved. Here was the second iteration:
Hope you liked it. I learnt a lot from this project even though in was so short, but it was fun as well.
Thanks for reading!
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