The Penguin Hideout

James’ Blog

Month: December 2023

We will, we will, thrill you, bum-bum, thrill you, bum-bum. We will…

Hello everyone, and welcome again, to an exploration through filmmaking!

We kickstarted our learning by watching some mentor texts, then learning about what makes a good film including a lot of story structure stuff and the parts of a thriller. Then, we brainstormed on how to make a good thriller

After that, we had to create a plan and a storyboard, here is what part of our storyboard looked like:

After that we had to actually create the thing we had planned, and let me tell you, that was not easy. At all. But after a lot of filming, swordplay lessons, and some good bloopers, here was our final product:

I hope that you enjoyed learning how we made this, and that you tune in again!

Reflection on the lake

Is it fun getting milk crates thrown at your face? I wouldn’t know, unless…

Hello all, it’s been since I’ve posted, but here we go!

So recently my grade 9 class took a trip to loon lake, which came as a surprise so soon after the Alberta field school, but we were told that it was a learning opportunity and they really wanted us to go, but we were all quite hesitant going into the week.

However we were pleasantly surprised when we actually had fun! Some of my favourite things that we did were the low ropes course, trust falls, and box stacking.

The low ropes course was pretty easy, but instead of being strapped in, the things catching you if you fell were your classmates, which really made me feel like part of a team, and beating the time to get all of our members across a rope swing was also really fun.

The trust falls started small with us just swaying and being pushed into position, to falling all the way over and being caught, to then falling of a chair. On a table. Yeah, you heard me right, it was crazy, and I was happy that I fell when I said I would unlike some others.

The box stacking was perhaps my favourite thing on the trip, because it was really fun mainly. We had a large supple of milk crates, and one person strapped who would be climbing them, and then all of us could help. Kaia was the one climbing, Nate was throwing boxes up, and I and a few others were holding the tower together, and dodging the missed crates as they came back down, we also beat the old record of 17, by getting 18 boxes stacked.

We also learnt a lot about how humans work, and emotional intelligence along with many other things, but our driving question was how do the choices we make set our future path? We learned a lot about time management and other things along those lines to help us with those choices to ultimately lead a better life. Overall, it was really fun. And tiring.

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