For The Nation! -alism

Creating a YouTube video for school sounds kinda boring right? You need to do editing, shooting, and scripting, but I’m here to tell you how it actually be kind of fun!

Hello and welcome once again, to the greatest blog post in the entirety of the galaxy! Maybe. This project, “In the name of Nationalism”, was actually kind of fun to work on, and I learned a lot of important information about Canadian history, and how nations are formed. Without further delay, let’s get into nationalism!

Our driving question for this Project was: How has nationalism influence shaped global structure.

We had to do a lot of research in order to be able to create an accurate, well sourced, and informative video. We practiced source work for a while, and we were taught how to make a good search and find reliable information. Afterwards we created our video from our information.

We had to create a script, determine the cause and consequence of certain events, and shoot a video! Because I was going to feature in my video, I needed a set, so unscrewed the second section of my desk, and duct-taped it onto the other side of the desk, so I could be in between it and the wall for the video. It ended up looking good though. Then the editing was a nightmare, but after a few long nights, it was complete:

I was actually really happy with the end result. I think is one of my best final products in a project to date.

With every project that goes by, I find myself surprised at how easy it is to use things, tools, strategies, that I have used before and practiced. If I need an animation, I know exactly where to go, and how to do it, and it looks much better than anything I ever made in grade 8.

I have gained a lot of skills thought out this project, and I feel more competent then ever. I have better methods, and work habits than I used to, and I think that shows in my work, even though I’m putting a similar amount of effort into each one. I think I know how I could have done better on this video, and I can use those ideas in the next project.

To answer the driving question: Nationalism has shaped global structure by fostering a sense of common national unity within countries and nation-states, and bring people together to fight for a common goal, but can also cause harmful division and conflict.

Overall, I learned a lot of important skills I can use to become a better learner, and created a great end product that I’m proud of.

Thank you for taking some time to read this, and I hope you’ll continue reading future posts. Have a good day!

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