So uncreative

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Weekly reflection 3

This third week in our Shrew You project we have focused highly on the historical and socials part of the project as we look at the history of women’s rights and equality in our society.  We started with a little… Continue Reading →

Digital enhancement

This post is the digital enhancement for the Quarries Lodge stop. Many things can impact a community and shape how it forms. People, locations and events can influence the way a town or community is shaped and when it comes… Continue Reading →

Macbeth Movie

What does the cold war and a Shakespear play have in common? While this sounds like a really obscure question it’s part of what we set out to learn about in our recent project on Macbeth and the 1950s.  I’ve… Continue Reading →

PGP aritfact

Our final PGP project of the year is to make a artifact that displays our understanding of the core ideas of James Clears, Atomic Habits. I liked the open ended style of this project and it gave me a lot… Continue Reading →

Think and create

Racism is one of the most controversial topics in recent history. It has plagued all of the world for centuries and continues to do so today. One thing that I never really comprehended was the scale of racism in America… Continue Reading →

TPOL 2020

This has definitely been an interesting year and another step forward in terms of my work which I will present today.  It really doesn’t seem like it’s been a whole year especially with the last few months all done through… Continue Reading →

James Clear Blog Reading

Almost all of our recent PGP work has been on James Clear and his book atomic habits. So I was recently assigned to look at one of his many posts which he frequently uploads about the messages he talks about… Continue Reading →

PGP 2020

PGP in grade 11 is cantered around a book called atomic habits, this post will go through my reading and learning experience with the book and how I am going to incorporate new ideas into my life. There are 4… Continue Reading →

Twil 2



This Week I learned that: Its always better to pay someone to do what you can’t or don’t want to wether its killing your best friend or waging ideological wars, and it’s possible consequences. Getting other people to do something… Continue Reading →

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