My Triptych starring me

Historical explanations

In this project we were trying to answer the driving question of how ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world. We learned all about being a historian, and how to extract historical information properly.

I think that ideas from Europe and Asia had such a big impact because in the times of the renaissance, regular people started wanting to broaden their horizons, and starting to get a new, and better education. With this came more inventions like the printing press, most lenses and clocks. Lots of these inventions came from the Middle East and Asia through at the earliest scripts and textbooks ransacked from the crusades, and more throughout trading in the renaissance era.

A little bit after the renaissance came the reformation. Before the reformation started in 1517, German priest Martin Luther wrote a thesis with 95 reasons against indulgences to the archbishop. After he was ignored, he was able to mass print it using the printing press`, an invention from the renaissance, and nailed them up on lots of churches in his area. This might have been one of the matches that lit the kindling that started the fire of the reformation . The reformation started later in 1517 and ended in 1648. During the reformation there was lots of fighting over the freedom of religion. After the reformation there were lots and lots of religions, mostly ones that split off of catholicism.

in this project we had to learn how to be a historical thinker. We learned how to analyze text and extract the information. I enjoyed making the actual triptych because it allowed me to use the skills that i have learned in SuperimposeX. I learned that i could easily take information from texts.

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