Hello and welcome to my tPol. I am very grateful to show off what I have done in this year of PLP.
“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.“

In this year of PLP I know that I have had lots of growth in all sorts of fields. I have grown in my technology skills, and know that I have just learned lots of new things in all sorts of fields of work like like how to use all of the tech skills. I learned how to draw with the Apple Pencil and also how to use all of the skills in sketch’s pro like the pressure and managing how to best use all of the available tools. We also made our blog and learned how to manage our blog, of which i have forgotten all about how to do. We were taught how to neatly or again even our iPads and how to best keep our workload handles. The first project that we had was when we read the outsiders book and then designed an book cover for our project, and for the scene that we were assigned. This project was really interesting because it happened while we were learning how to use our iPads, so I saw a lot of correlation with what we learned in maker, and this project. Skipping ahead to the final project of this year, we made adds for our respective business that we met in Oregon. We were given a criteria from our businesses, and then let us make the ads. I enjoyed this project because we had clear rules, and also were given quite a bit of freedom which i also liked. This ad has led me to see what appeals other ads use.

In this year I have learned a variety of skills, whether tech skills or other skills. As I mentioned earlier we learned quite a few tech skills in maker regarding drawing, and our Apple pencils. What I didn’t mention were the other skills we learned. We learned about photography, and how to Center the topic of our image into either the left or right quadrant. We also learned all about how to properly research information and how to back check an image, to see its origins. (To do that you use google image search and see what else that photo has been in). Those were just some of the technology skills we learned, but we also learned real life skills. We learned how to work well in teams like we did on the quests in Oregon. We learned how to follow instructions, listen to each other, and also how to problem solve with a team. This lead us to improve from one quest to the other. In the first quest my group failed, but then in the second and third one we drastically improve because we worked together as a team and not as 6 individual people.
🌈 ☀️
My goals for the next semester are to try to have all sunshine and one rainbow in a subject. I believe that I can put in a little bit more work to reach this goal. I also would like to work on doing more homework and setting a time of day to do 20 to 30 minutes of work.
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog post, unless you are one of my classmates trying to steal my work, than SCRAM!!!!
Goodbye until September, in the next year of school.