For this exhibition, we were challenged to market ourselves to future employers, and answer our driving question of “How might I present my passions, strengths and learning to the world?” By using multiple tools to prepare us for our future. The first step in market ourselves, was how on earth we are going to market […]
Category: Uncategorized
Save Juno beach, A Reflection
“We must be the great arsenal of Democracy.” In this project we focused on WWII with the driving question “What did the conflict of WWII play in shaping Canadian indentity?” We first obviously has learned about WWII, where we covered significant events like The battle of Diepe, Pearl harbour, D-Day, and the Holocaust, and more. […]
Final essay
Jannik Kneer Erin Madsen Humanities 10 1st December 2024 How WWII’s Industry Affected Canadians In war once must have advancements, and to push those advancements one must have industry. Once the second world war had broken out, there was a new need for work, and fast. This push for industry during the war […]
MPOL The second
My declaration of learning “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in […]
DI Reflection
Just recently we had our first Destination Imagination, and it was a bit of an DIsappointment. It was a shame because we had done a decent amount of work before the tournament but our machine still felt lacklustre. We had very simplistic machine modules, and it didn’t look the best, as we didn’t put much […]
A Riel-flective blog post
In this project we learned about louis Riel, and how he has been perceived throughout history. Our driving question was “ How has the portrayal of Riel changed over time” to answer our driving question we researched all about Riel, using both firsthand, and secondhand sources we were able to understand how Riel was viewed […]
Metaphor Machines, an exhibition post
Hello, and welcome back to my blog, this blog post is for the final project of 2023!!!!! This projects driving question was “how do ideas spark change?” To convey this message we built a Rube Goldberg machine about our revolution of choice, with each important part of the revolution being explained by a part of […]
The Great PLP Loon Lake experience
Just a while ago we were down at the UBC forestry site, at a team building program called loon lake. When we had our first team building session, we were all in the pan abode were we would meet with Jono, our group leader we would meet with him multiple times per day, and each […]
Take your kid to work day
This is my reflection on take your kid to work day. The workplace of my choice was my dads home office. He works for a company called smart technologies. They specialize in making smart whiteboards for schools that are trying to be more involved with technology in classrooms. The smart board are designed to work […]
The Rockies Humanities post
This first project of the year nearly done, and what a good start, we had a field study, and a project that tied into maker and humanities, this blog post is for humanities, and I will put a link to the maker post at the end of this one. This projects driving question was how […]