The Commentmandments

Alright, so this page is a bit of an informatory page, but also a rules page of sorts. As you can tell from my clever title, this is a page that I have created to help y’all understand the rules of commenting on my blog. To try to make this as easy as possible, I’m gonna do a little bit of a do’s and don’ts kind of thing. Here we go.

But first, I’ve created a little infographic of sorts to brief y’all on my commenting rules. Read the text below the infographic for a little more information.

DO: Try to follow KHAS

KHAS is kind of a critique guideline we have in PLP. It actually isn’t KHAS, I just like acronyms. KHAS stands for:



And Specific

If you think there’s something I can fix about my blog, then try to follow these guidelines. ‘Your blog is terrible” may be true, but that doesn’t really help me.

DON’T: Be Obnoxious About Spelling or Grammar

Imma keep this one simple. No living person likes getting corrected about spelling and grammar. I am a person, in case you didn’t know, so don’t correct my spelling or grammar unless it’s incredibly important (e.g. misspelling duck with an f, or forgetting the b in bass).

DO: Stay on topic

If you are currently reading a post about World War I, don’t start ranting on in the comments about why you think the Bills are the best team in the NFL. If you’re reading about the Xinhai Revolution, don’t start rambling about how you think John Denver is overrated because A: It has nothing to do with the revolution, and B: Don’t you dare talk negatively about John Denver or I’ll show up and [redacted] your [redacted], then I’ll [redacted] all over your [redacted] and walk calmly away as if nothing happened.

Get my drift?

If you were to ask me, the best way to stay on topic is to try to associate yourself with what’s going on in the post. If I’m rambling about my lack of social skills (which I often do), then a good reply to that might be: Hey, I really associated with that statement because I’m socially awkward as well!

DON’T: Be offensive

This one’s pretty obvious.

Don’t go onto my blog, or anyone else’s as a matter of fact, and start spouting out hateful slurs and sailor-mouthed language. I do not care how much you may hate my blog, or how much pent-up rage you have, don’t use that kind of language. That’s just plain rude.

Got it?

Good. Also, if your comment does any of the don’t options, then prepare to get your comment deleted.

This is Jason Guan, signing off.