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The Darkness of Man’s Heart – Tribalism and LOTF

The Darkness of Man’s Heart – Tribalism and LOTF

And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.

That is a quote from the end of William Golding’s, Lord of the Flies and what I think is a perfect summary of all that I learn from it. The book explores man’s inherent evil and the loss of innocence to savagery and it is an ideal piece of literature to answer the question; what is the role of tribalism in society?

The latest project in Social Studies and English 11 has been centred around Lord of the Flies and tribalism in society. We worked hard for 4 weeks to answer our driving question.

What is the role of tribalism in society?

Obviously, a milestone in this project was actually reading Lord of the Flies. When I get assigned book projects in school I get very nervous and a bit pre-stressed because I know I am slow at reading and that I will need a lot of time to finish a book. Lord of the Flies is a short book but it’s a tricky read, and my goal was to finish the book on time! So I set aside lots of time to read and in the end, I achieved my goal of finishing it on time. I am very proud of myself for that. I really enjoyed the book and have become much more confident in my reading ability that I have more motivation to read on my own time. I have also noticed an improvement in my writing style after reading the older English style book. Here is an example of an analysis response I did for this project.

Another key stepping stone to this project was to respond personally, critically, creatively, and reflectively to the book while making connections between ourselves and the world. We had to write many response paragraphs on different topics, much like the one I included above. Unfortunately, I went away right in the middle of this project so I don’t have much work to show off. Out of the work I did complete with the knowledge I had at the time I’d say the responses could use some improvements. I did find it easy to make connections between Lord of the Flies and real-world examples but I felt like I could have improved on the “Writing Process” competency of grade 11.

The Writing Process 

Transform ideas and information, using appropriate features, forms, and genres, through the writing process to plan, create, assess, and refine original, engaging, and meaningful literary and informational texts for a variety of purposes, audiences, and messages while using an increasing repertoire of conventions (Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation) and appropriate citations for clarity, effectiveness, and impact.

As expected, my first couple of journal prompts were not as strong as they could have been. I went away just as the teachers really guided us through this competency, so I missed out on that. If allowed to do revisions I would want to change some structure and content aspects of the responses. However I don’t believe putting that effort into those revisions is necessary at this moment and instead, I want to take what I’ve learned and put it into the next project.

With all these stepping stones you must be wondering what the end product of this unit is. Well after gathering evidence from the book and from each response paragraph, we were ready to answer the driving question. For this, I presented a 3-5 minute keynote answering the driving question. We had to use examples from Lord of the Flies and one other tribe. I chose to use the Khmer Rouge as my case study and I talked about what makes a political party a tribe. The feedback I got on my project told me it was a strong presentation. I demonstrated the ability to read a book and connect the text to real-world events which is one of the competencies we focused on this unit. Here are some of the comparisons I made between the book and the event.

Some comparisons in my presentation

After visiting Cambodia and seeing the effects of the Khmer Rouge I really wanted to incorporate my knowledge into the final project. I mean, I was away through half the unit so I felt obliged to show that I had learned something while I was gone. I took the knowledge I had from the trip and expanded it with external research. After reading the book I noticed many of the connections right away. I was really proud of the amount of information I had gathered on the subject. When I had to present the project to the teachers, Mr. Hughes stayed in the room. I had known from before that he had done Asian Studies and was a fan of Cambodia so I was a bit nervous. But I didn’t get torn apart at the end so I will take that as a compliment towards my research! As I final reflection of the whole unit, I am very proud of the presentation I completed.

This project was quite the learning curve for me in a new way. Because I was away for a good chunk of it, I had to make up assignments out of school while still catching up on the other classes I missed. I’d say the work I put out under the pressures of jet lag and missed classes was pretty impressive quality and I am very proud of myself.

As always thanks for checking in, I am still in school!

Went to Albuquerque – Came back Albuquirky

Went to Albuquerque – Came back Albuquirky

Recently my class had the opportunity to go on an amazing trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico. We spent 6 days there gathering evidence to answer our driving questions. 

How did the development of the atomic bomb change the world in a historically significant way? 


The trip was jam-packed with loads of amazing experiences! Almost every morning we were up before sunrise. I’m not complaining though because Albuquerque has some amazing sunrises. With such a busy schedule and a project we had to be thinking about, it was challenging to manage everything.

Lucky for us, we learned so much about the manhattan project before going on the trip! I took this opportunity to listen and document all the experiences we had so I could use them in my project when we got back. This was one of the responsible risks I took on the trip. Knowing most of the information allowed me to relax and not feel like I had to absorb every bit of knowledge we got. I felt that I could appreciate the people who talked to us more when I already knew a lot of the topics. I made sure to get lots of pictures and evidence to support the topics in my book. When we went to museums I was able to take in the exhibits at my own pace without feeling like I needed to know every bit of information in order to complete our project.

I really enjoyed myself on the trip. I asked tones of questions and talked to some really great people! I was able to imagine ideas for my book very strongly because my mind already understood all the information. I didn’t feel pressured about the outcome of the book at all.

Despite how non-stop and action-packed this trip was, I had so much fun! I got to experience yet another new and exciting place and all the wonderful events and traditions it has to offer in just 6 days! I learned a lot about the Manhattan Project and how Albuquerque was impacted by it. Plus I got to create a super cool book showcasing all my knowledge of the Manhattan Project. For just a 6 day trip I’d say I’m very proud of all that I completed.

And as always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.

The Impromptu Writing Journal – 2019 Exhibition

The Impromptu Writing Journal – 2019 Exhibition

So I’m sitting in my house writing this post and my dad comes over and says “isn’t school over?” Technically yes it is. But I haven’t told you about the recent exhibition we did!

The Trip

So as the year comes to an end we always have a year-end exhibition. This year our projects were centred around our most recent trip, Circle BC. My experience from the trip I chose to base my project was writing in my journal. On the trip, our teachers nicely forced us to keep a journal. When talking to some of my friends they were reluctant to start writing because it took to long or they felt they were doing it wrong. I wanted to find a way to make writing down your travel memories. So I came up with The Impromptu Travel Journal. A book filled with writing prompts designed to get your ideas flowing.


I had to do a lot of research for the book starting with a survey. The survey asked questions that helped me figure out what kinds of ideas the book should include and technical things like how long the book should be. One of the questions my survey asked was what type of book people would want and out of all the options, hardcover book was the winner. I had my work cut out for me seeing as I now had to write out every writing prompt and create a hardcover book.

The Process

This was probably one of my most ambitious individual projects. The research was pretty easy because I got over 40 responses to my survey. Finding out how to create a hardcover book was easy too; one google search and there was more than enough information.

Once I finished the research, I started making the writing prompts. That was pretty easy, I just used the information from the survey and all the five senses to come up with the prompts. With all the prompts written I went on to make the pages of the book. This was the most difficult part because I needed to format the pages so that they were in order when I put the book together. After I wrapped my mind around that, it was time for the fun part. Making the book! These are the two videos I used to learn.

Now knowing how to make a book I gathered the supplies and got to work. My first draft went surprisingly well, the only issues were the page order. Other than that I was super happy with the design. For the second draft, I fixed the page order and I kept the same design as the last.

Next, I created my display. The display was designed with 4 rotating panels. I wanted it to be interactive and more interesting than a poster.

Now my book and display weren’t the only works of mine at the exhibition. We also had our trip podcasts on a playlist for people to listen to.

The Podcast

My podcast was about how I came up with my exhibition idea. Of course, it was my idea during the trip. Once I got back my idea changed a lot.

Making this podcast was an interesting experience because we had to create it during the trip. This left not a lot of time and all of us ended up making our podcast on the 22-hour ferry boat. It all ended up ok though because I got it done. I thought my script was really strong and I recorded all my parts when the ferry was stopped so there wasn’t as much boat noise in the back.

The big night

Now that my project is done its time to prepare for the big night. This is when we get to work together as a class to decorate the room. To make a matter easier we separated the room into 4 quadrants. I was in charge of quadrant 4 along with Isy, Luca and Emily. Quadrants were divided based on our projects and ours was “experience BC”. We decided to go for a fairly simple theme of nature but our bigger project was making a Response Box to get feedback on the Exhibition.

I think our biggest strength was the lighting in the room and how clean the room was. We had a really nice flow and good decor.

Summer Time… Finally

So the exhibition is over and its time for summer. I think the exhibition this year went so well. I think we had a super strong room and everybody’s projects went very well. There isn’t too much I would change about my project, I’m so proud of the book and I think my display added a nice surrounding to my project. This year was by far my best exhibition. I felt like I really cared about the project I made and I that really showed in this project. Here’s to another good year! I’ll see all you guys next year!



How Time Flies

How Time Flies

I can’t believe grade ten is almost over. It’s gone by so fast. I mean, I can remember every detail of the first big project we had in socials. Next year things matter and I’m confident in saying I’m ready for next year.

This year I felt as though my work habits finally found balance. In the past, I spent hours wasting time when I could have been doing school work, and that always came back to bite me. But I can remember when we got that first project something just changed. That’s the only way I can describe it. Something told me, get to work and get it done and since then my work has really gone up in quality.

With the addition of PGP, those work habits have developed even more. I can’t express how much I love Things. Having it on my iPad and my phone is the greatest. I always know what I need to do and with time blocking I know when I need to do it. I think if I’ve learned one thing about myself it’s that I take a lot of time to do tasks, so time blocking an hour for a blog post is not ideal.


Now I may be a hard worker but I think one of my weaknesses is that I take on too much work. Hi, my name is Jessie and I’m a “Yes Man”. I’ve been a yes man for 3 years now. I take on tasks people ask me to do so that I don’t disappoint! Multiple times in the past this has brought me down, and I mean really brought me down. Sometimes it gets to a point where the work is too much and my brain overloads and shuts down. I mean, human things 1010010011101… sorry I don’t know, what that was… Anyways, these past couples months I’ve started to take a step back and look at my situation before agreeing to more tasks. It’s not been completely successful so I can say it’s a goal for next year.

“Now Jessie, you say you are a hard worker! But how do we know?” Well, the answer to that is hopefully you’ve been reading my blog! But in case you missed something, I’ll tell you again.

In science, we just finished a small project about space. Morgan and I chose the topic of the possibility of colonizing the moon. We put together a 5-7 minute presentation with a keynote in about 4 days. We got an exceptional mark on it and I think its A because our research was good and B because we made the level of work as good as the time we had, if not slightly better. One of the things the teachers have told us many times is to use the time we have. If they give us half an hour to do something, make it half an hour level work. For me, this really showed in this project.

You’ve got no idea how much I want to talk about my Perks Of Being A Wallflower trailer again. I already talked about it in the last presentation of learning. But there are still some things I want to say. As you can tell I’m eager to talk about it more. For me, this shows how proud I am of it. Another thing that shows how proud I am of it is that I still show people the video. You could ask me to show that video in front of anyone, visitors, friends, people I’ve never met and I’d say go for it. Because I am so proud of how it turned out, and I’m proud of the hard work my group put into making. Ok, that’s all I have to say about that now, thanks for letting me talk about it again.

As you know we very recently went on a trip around BC. We always come back from these trips, our minds bursting with knowledge and ideas and we also come back a better team. Now together we are working very hard to put together an exhibition to showcase our great ideas. Creating something as a team is always so rewarding and I’m super excited to see how this turns out. For my individual project, I’m so happy with how it’s coming along. I’m really passionate about my idea and I think that’s really what’s driving this project. I learned how to book bind for this project and have learned that I really enjoy it. That’s what I really love about PLP, I like being able to create things I’m passionate about. Sure there are some ups and downs. But I managed to pick myself up and get back to work. So here I am now telling you about my school year.

I feel as though the work I’ve done this year has stood out, and I like to stand out. In grade 11 and 12 standing out is so important. That’s why I think the work I’ve done this year is important. Because it is proof that I’m ready for the next step. So here’s to next year!

energy capture

energy capture

For our most recent we had to create a machine that uses a natural source of energy to make electrical energy. When I asked if I could force my hamster to run on a wheel for all eternity our teacher said no. Apparently, humans and animals aren’t a natural source of energy. Which is silly, but I don’t make the rules. So just like almost everyone else in the class we created a waterwheel!

Collaboratively and individually plan, select, and use appropriate investigation methods, including fieldwork and lab experiments, to collect reliable data (qualitative and quantitative)

Morgan and I used fieldwork by testing our machine out by the stream. With that, we collected data that showed that our machine works. We also collaborated on the design of the machine and the building of it as well.

Assess risks and address ethical, cultural, and/or environmental issues associated with their proposed methods and those of others.

The reason we started this project is that we wanted to learn about clean energy. There are many forms of energy that are bad for the environment and what with the current climate change talk that’s been happening it’s really good to find other methods of energy.

Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence.

After a lot of research into the different types of energy and energy conversion. Morgan and I were able to design a waterwheel that could produce energy. Although our waterwheel wasn’t built for the stream we tested it in, we still implemented the science concepts we learned to build the machine.

Experience and interpret the local environment.

I’ve lived by the stream at cove cliff my whole life and it’s been a place to play and swim for as long as I can remember. It was really cool to learn about how that stream can be used to create energy.


Overall Morgan and I are very proud of the product we created. Our video had some very good humour and we learned a lot about energy conversion. Anyways thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.

The course that caught me by surprise (in a good way)

The course that caught me by surprise (in a good way)

It’s getting to the end of the year meaning things are starting to come to a close. One of those things is PGP. Personal Growth Plan or PGP is a course PLP forced us into halfway through the school year. Now I say forced because at the time, that’s how I felt. But now seeing it come to an end, I’m a bit sad.

The goal of this course was to teach us better work habits. To me, this just felt like it was going to be another goal writing course where you wrote SMART goals and I do not enjoy those. This course turned out to be so much more. We read books and did exercises that got us thinking not only about our school goals but our personal goals and that’s what I loved about it. I learned new skills to improve my school life and my personal life and with that, I’ve created a video that jumps back in time to look at some of the things I learned.

I explain in the video the habits I found to be the most useful. Where I learned these habits were from the two books we read during the course.

What Do You Really Want by Beverly K. Bachel teaches you how to set goals and go for them and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey teaches you, well as the title states, the seven habits of highly effective teens.

I mention goal setting and how I used to think it was silly. However, I learned that it is wondrously helpful for not only for school but also my personal life. I was fairly closed minded on the idea of goal setting until I read What Do You Really Want. I also mention two points from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens, like being a yes man and being proactive. Those two things really stuck out to me as I read because I could relate to them. These habits were the ones that really stuck and I wished I had known them sooner. That is why they are included in my video.

What would this post be without a good old reflection? At the beginning of this course, I questioned everything we were doing and I felt like I wasn’t going to be helpful. But I stepped outside of my comfort zone and tried something new and I did learn great things. I try my best to think about the 7 habits every day and goals have really helped me in ways I didn’t think they could. I’ve become so much better at time management and organization. I think I really have to thank the teachers for this one. All through this stressed me out a lot, in the end, it was very rewarding. I’ve seen a big change in myself and I hope others do too. So thanks to the teachers for making this course possible. I’m going to miss it.

As always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


You’ve Violated The Law

You’ve Violated The Law

Having a safe work environment is so important. However, some people don’t understand the rights they have to a safe workplace. This can lead to people attempting dangerous tasks they aren’t trained for. To avoid this, schools are now required to teach workplace safety and highlight all the important rights and regulations put in place to keep people safe at work. In my CLE 10 class (career and life education) we’ve completed multiple assignments to help better educate us on work safety. One of those is an artifact which you will see below.

The workplace safety course was divided into two parts which I’m going to title, Make You Sick and Research and Present

Make You Sick

The reason I call this part Make You Sick is that that’s what it did. As a part of this course, we had to watch that awful work safe video where they show people getting into horrible accidents. Although I must say the video featured some amazing below D list actors. Truly the next RDJs. Anyways, the video was very visual and it made me feel very sick. I barely watched the video because I had to rest my head on the table.

I think although the video was tough to watch the take away was that this is the reality. Some people get into these awful accidents due to the lack of training and we now have a way to prevent that. That leads very well into part two…

Research and Present

For part two we did a lot of research into the regulations Work Safe has in place. One of the activities was called Search The Regulations, where it asked you a question and you needed to find the section where it was answered.

The learning outcome of this activity wasn’t so much to learn some regulations but more to learn how the website works. It is very useful to know how to navigate the site because there are so many regulations you couldn’t possibly remember them all but if you know how the site works you can find any of the ones you might need.

The other activity we had was to present a short keynote describing one of the hazard categories. My group was in charge of Exposure to Mineral and Chemical Hazards. I learned that pesticides can absorb into your skin even when it’s intact which is super interesting and scary.

It was our job to teach the class about our topic. For the other presentation, we had to listen carefully and take notes because that was the only time we would hear it.

Having this information makes me more educated when I’m at work. This has opened my mind up to so many questions about my very own job. One of the things I was questioning was our qualifications to clean up blood and vomit. Oh, I should probably mention, I work at a circus school — sometimes kids throw up and stuff. It’s sort of common sense to know you should wear gloves but it was still a question I had. Even thinking about it now, I can think of many things I wouldn’t do at my job without training, like climbing a tall ladder and rigging. Now I have the knowledge to make the right decisions and I will be safer in all my future jobs.

As always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


Future Talk

Future Talk

I have to do this assignment where I plan out my post-secondary plan on a website called my blueprint. This assignment is part of my Career life education course which is designed to get you thinking about the future. As of late, they have asked us who we are and who we want to be. We had to create a presentation about who we are as a learner. It was an in-class presentation so I only have my keynote but here it is.

The presentation was pretty straight forward. I’m mostly a kinesthetic learner and a very social being that likes to be in supportive environments. I personally didn’t learn all that much from the who am I assignments, it showed me a lot that I had already recognized about myself.

For the post-secondary part of the My Blueprint assignment, we had to first plan out our high school courses. Since it is nearing the end of the school year I have already done course selection for grade 11. All I needed to do was put down the ones I chose into the website.

For the grade 12 courses, I’m going, to be honest, I have no idea what I want to take. I have no clue what my school offers and I have no idea if my career aspirations will change in the next year. I did try my best to fill it in with courses I thought would be interesting.

So what do I want to do in the future? Well, I’m hoping to do something within the film industry whether it be directing, acting or writing. For me, acting is more of a side passion but writing and directing is something I love to do. I would like to direct because I like to have control and really be there for the creation of the story. However, I feel like being in a writers room with more people who love writing would be fun too. I’ve favourited some of my favourite careers, apprenticeships and colleges/universities that My Blueprint has offered me.


My top favourite results for the occupation category were Director, a Creative Writer and Actor. I didn’t realize you could reorganize the ranking so in the image it’s different. These are all dream occupations of mine, especially directing and acting. I’ve always had these occupations in the front of my mind when I’m thinking about the future.


Going to post-secondary has always been an aspiration of mine and I’m intending to go through with it. The programs listed above are all ones I would love to study and ones that would hopefully lead me to a dream career.


I really didn’t like any of the apprenticeships options. I don’t think that would be the direction I would usually take for my future. I did favourite two of them but that’s sort of just for fun. For the next part of this assignment, I created a numbers sheet comparing all the different professions and what they offer.

So why exactly are we doing these assignments? Well, it’s not for nothing. It’s so we can better understand who we are and how we learn. Being self-aware and knowing what your skills and talents and will greatly contribute to your career and life choices. If I didn’t know I wasn’t compatible as a doctor I might choose that path for something like how much money it makes. Then I would have to endure another schooling I wouldn’t enjoy and have a job I wouldn’t enjoy either. Knowing these things keeps you on the right path so you are doing the things you love.

As always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


The “Canadian Experience” – Peoples Podcast

The “Canadian Experience” – Peoples Podcast

For the past— well actually a long time now, about 2-3 months we’ve been working on a very big project. In previous blog posts, you’ve seen the video projects, photo projects and physical projects I’ve made. This project, however, is something new and exciting. It’s a podcast!! I’ve never made a legit podcast before and I’m excited to tell you about the learning journey I had.

What is this podcast, you might be asking? Well as we called it, the Peoples Podcast and that’s what it is. It’s a podcast for the people, to educate the people, about the people. That’s how I’d describe it anyway.

Our task was to create a 15-20 minute podcast that educated people about a certain minority group in Canada. The podcast needed to answer our driving question which was; how has the “Canadian Experience” been different for minorities. We were all in groups of around 3-4 people, my group included Tamara, Alivia, and Kai.

The minority group we researched for our podcast was the LGBTQ+ community. We decided that since it was such a big and ever-growing community that we would focus on some of the smaller less acknowledged groups within the community. Bisexuals, Asexuals and Pansexuals are often discriminated against within the community and we wanted to bring light to that and talk about some of those issues. We reached out to one of our community members and youth workers, Yvette Narlock, to see if she wanted to chat with us on the subject and she happily participated in an interview for our podcast. Here is the final draft of our podcast Forget The Boxes.

Now that you’ve had a chance to listen to the podcast I wanted to go back a bit and talk about the process and learning experiences we had while making this project.

China Town Field Trip

As a part of our course, we learned about WW2 and the people who immigrated to Canada during that time. We learned a lot about the Chinese immigrants and about Vancouver’s Chinatown. Our teachers took us on a field trip to Chinatown where we met Judy Maxwell. Judy Maxwell does tours of Chinatown and our tour was super informational and enriching. We got to experience a lot of the culture in Chinatown that we wouldn’t have been able to see if we just walked around.

Judy took us to many of the buildings where the elders were playing Mahjong and Ping Pong. We also got to visit many of the Clan Association buildings. Clan associations were formed based on the assumption that having the same surname meant that you had common ancestors. Clan Associations provide protection for their members by negotiating for them and fighting against discrimination. They also keep track of family history and celebrate cultural events.

We had to make a mini project for this field trip called The Sounds of Chinatown. It was practice for recording audio and using GarageBand. Over the course of the field trip, I recorded little bits of audio in different places and then put them together into a little podcast.


GarageBand is a very powerful tool for making music and podcasts. The Sounds of Chinatown mini podcast we created was a great way to practice and learn all we could about the app. I learned how to automate so that all the sound levels were the same and I also got to practice my music making skills. The music you hear throughout the podcast was created by myself — minus the opening song. That song was created by Kai.

Written Work

We don’t usually a lot of written work but this unit we did. We had to write a positionality paper about how we think about experiences impact the way we interpret literature. As apart of our practice we did three writing prompts. One about age, on about gender and one about location.

The writing prompts were great mini assignments to get our minds thinking about how certain experiences impact the way we write and think. When we started writing our positionality paper I used a lot of the ideas I wrote in the writing prompts. I really liked being able to get my ideas following before writing the big paper.

The Big Paper!

After a large amount of planning for this paper, it was finally the day to write it. The positionality paper was an in-class essay. We’ve done in class essays before so it’s nothing new. Since we had been reading a book called The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy, our paper needed to connect the book. We drew from our own life and from the book.

Bumps and Roadblocks

With every project, you run into bumps and roadblocks. Our group ran into many. One of the biggest problems we ran into was finding the time to edit the podcast. With each draft someone else edited but often we had people who were too busy. I stepped up and edited the first draft even though I was quite busy, I just had to make time in my day to do it.

Another downfall we had during this project was that we only had one interview. Every group was supposed to find two but it sort of slipped our mind. It wasn’t that we were unwilling, we just found the one interviewee and suddenly it was editing time. In the future, I will try and push myself and my group members to meet criteria like that even if time feels short.

That’s a Wrap

This project was a lot of work, and that’s not a bad thing. It really pushed me to stay on top of the work and to learn new things. I didn’t think id end up creating music for the podcast but I did, and I think its a role I might take up in future projects. I learned a lot about the Chinese culture and met people with great stories. I feel like I improved my writing and grammar thanks to the practice we did in class. In this unit I got to work with people I feel like I haven’t worked with in a while and that’s always new and exciting. This project went really well even with a couple of downfalls but overall I’m super proud of the product we created.

As always, thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


Last Time to Shine – DI provincials

Last Time to Shine – DI provincials

Destination Imagination provincials are here!! But I wasn’t… Sadly I could not attend this tournament. This means I won’t have much to talk about in terms of performance day. But I will be talking about all the changes and improvements my group and I had to make.

Team Choice Improvements

Some of the biggest improvements we made were to our team choice elements. Our feedback from the last tournament was that they couldn’t hear the music. Which was understandable considering our speaker stopped working minutes before our performance. So this time we got a speaker we know was reliable. We also made the music into continuous background music so you could see that the kids had entered a different world.

The second team choice element needed to be redone altogether. The stick just wasn’t cutting it, so we used scissors. Hehe… What a perfect intro into what our second team choice was! It was jokes and puns. But it wasn’t just that, we used jokes and puns to bring humour to the social issues we talk about in our story. This brought a lot more life to our story and make it more enjoyable.

Script Changes


A lot of changes needed to be made to the script. Not because it was bad, but because I couldn’t be there. I was one of the main characters so we needed someone to take my place. Marshall took my place and Kai took his part. The only issue then was that Marshall’s old part needed to be a girl now. But we only have one girl in the group. So we put kai in a wig and a dress and Stacey was born!

Send it

So now it’s time for the competition! I was super confident to see them go off on there own. My group really pulled through when I told them I wasn’t going to be there. I think the changes improved our solution by a landslide. We were all super excited and I heard the performance went really well. The sad news is that we were disqualified for talking about something we weren’t supposed to. It’s sad that this is how it ended. However, If you forget about the medals and trophies and just remember that we are really proud its all ok.

DI this year was really difficult but loads of fun. I hope you enjoyed the posts from these last three years. This is the last DI post you’ll probably see since this is our last year competing. Thanks for sticking around.

As always thanks for checking in, I’m still in school.


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