My First Exhibition

This Exhibition was very fun and exciting. I say this mostly because of how much flexibility we had. We could basically present anything as long as it was relevant to Avatar, Our and incorporated a box. I also like this because it is sometimes easier to get feedback, because people can be more honest, and not have to follow a feedback criteria chart or guideline, I have found.

Building the actual box was challenging and not challenging at the same time. It was challenging to me because I thought that we had more in class time, when we really didn’t. Looking back on that miscalculation, I think I should have double checked our timeline and expectations with a teacher or peer.

One part of the box building that I thought were not especially hard was planning. I had thought of a good idea to represent my learning and opinions in a box, all I had to do was write it and sketch on my ipad. However, I did find it tricky to show exactly what I was thinking in my draft, so I had to adapt it to accurately show a realistic and understandable image of what I had imagined. The draft eventually turned out quite well in my opinion. I think this was one of the hardest parts of the whole project.

Here is my sketch.

The night of the exhibition I think was a new and exciting experience for all of us PLP learners. Even though I have two other brothers in PLP, and have been going to there exhibitions since I was eight, it was still new to me. I think setting up the rooms went pretty well because of all the support the older grades gave us. If we had to set up the rooms all by ourselves in the small amount of time we got, I think they would look pretty bad. 

I actually found it really easy to talk to all the people that came to the exhibition. I found out that you can basically just say the same thing to all of them, while just rewording your sentences slightly. I thought that this was a good strategy, because I was still saying what I wanted to, to each and every person.

This is a (blurry) photo of my box.

 Over all, I really appreciated the flexibility and feedback the teachers gave us when it came to creating our boxes. If I could do it again I think that I would try to, leave more time for building, and also ask for more feedback.

Thanks for reading!

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