
Hello, and welcome back to my blog post! This is the new years mPol. So to start off, we learned about geography, science, child slavery, and more. 

First, I want to show what I’ve done during Humanities. If use another words for Humanities, it’s Social Studies. First project we did was discovering geography. With that project we got to go to Alberta which was very fun.  I learned more about Alberta, and the past of it. 

The next project we did in Humanities was Storm The Barricades. We learnt more about the revolution, and even got to experience it a bit. We did a roller; ay a=game in which we were representing different nation revolutions. 


After that, we did the project named Full steam ahead. We got to learn how to write poems, and also learnt more about children labor, and industrial revolution. By the very end of the project we had to present our poems to everyone who was in our class. 

Next, I would like to mention Maker. This year we got to learn a lot about photography in maker. We did many activities to create our vibrant video on the movie avatar. It was in fact based on avatar, but we got to interview other people and learn how to edit our videos. 

After we were done with our video based on Avatar, we continued to learn how to make more videos. We got to make stop motion videos which was very fun.

We also did a project where we created a rollercoaster out of paper rolls, in which wee were “hired” by the ceos and had a budget of 1 million. 

Last but not least, science. During this semester, we did a lot of amazing projects. Lets begin with one of them which is called Handle with care. This project was mostly about nature, and economy. We did food webs, which represented which animal eats. 

Next project we did in science was Life As We Know It, in which we learnt what Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase, and more. We did many thing to represent what it was, and that was very fun.

The last project in science, is called Exciting Electricity. We got to work with a lot of electric parts. We got to learn how we can create light just out of batteries. It was a great opportunity to learn that.

Thank you for staying here, have a great day.

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