Week Eight Let’s Reflect

For our final week of the blogging, challenge, we had to reflect on our experience with the challenge. So this is my second year in the challenge so I sort of expected what was going to happen but week one happened. After all, I had a really good experience with the blogging challenge and I think it made me a better writer and way more creative. This is my last year doing the blogging challenge so it has been a great experience for me to improve as a writer. I will keep blogging as the year goes on with different projects because it is really important to keep writing about your experiences in life so you have memories of them. My favorite week this year was week 6 about emojis so I made a video about different emojis and how they are the same to movies it was pretty fun because you can relate to the movies through emojis.

One the week I didn’t really like so much was music I don’t play music or anything I don’t relate to it at all. Even though I didn’t like I still had to do it so I made a beat in a garage band.

Overall the student blogging challenge teaches me that you have to read through the challenge and take your time with the challenge don’t rush it slow down. Also work on my own which I am working on throughout the year.

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