Hey everyone, if you’ve seen my last post- you know that I’ve been learning about the amazing Eleanor Collins….
The past few weeks we’ve been preparing for our exhibition- “Impact!” In which we would present art pieces dedicated to our impact maker, in my case- Eleanor. Leading up to the exhibition we worked towards answering the question…
Along the way we learned about Global impact makers, (Crazy ones), investigated the meaning behind “community” and “impact” and discovered some individuals actively making differences in our community.
We began this project by watching an apple ad campaign from 1997, titled “Here’s to the Crazy Ones.”
This video was a great way to build an understanding of the meaning behind a “Crazy one” and additionally got me thinking about the impact of the “Crazy ones” featured in the ad.
Soon after watching the Apple ad, we watched various films featuring Crazy ones. From of the three films we watched, (Hidden Figures, Amadeus and Gandhi), I learned a lot about different forms of impact. While each of the “Crazy ones” in the films were influential and made a difference, their impacts were pretty varied.

Mozart (Amadeus) changed the world of music, pushing the standard and innovating opera and ballads alike.

Gandhi fought for India’s freedom, and popularized the idea of non violent disobedience.
Seeing the difference between the impacts these “Crazy ones” had, helped me realize how specific and different impact could be. With a better understanding of the meaning behind “impact” I began considering impact maker’s I had noticed in my community.
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