
Ahhh DI… every PLP student’s worst nightmare…

“What’s DI?” you may be asking yourself! Well, lemme answer your question. “DI” stands for “Destination Imagination” Let me elaborate! Around the beginning of the year, we were assigned to complete a challenge. My group was composed of: Tom, Luca, Makai, Jupiter, Julia, and Judah (although Judah  opted out about halfway through it due to personal reasons), and our challenge was “Fine Arts”. We all had to work together to make a fine arts play, based off of a trickster (I have to admit that we never fully decided who we based the trickster off of but uhhhhh)!
We practiced for DI with team building exercises called “instant challenges”, which are challenges that can be anywhere from picking up and stacking plastic cups with elastic bands, to trying to make a tower out of solely uncooked spaghetti sticks, and label stickers… I actually quite enjoyed these! I think most people did :]
One of our first challenges was to come up with a name. This took quite a lot of time… “luca and the blondes”? “87% blonde”? After brainstorming brainstorming for far to long, we finally came up with “‘Twas Good While It Lasted”. Yeah I still have no clue how we came up with that, nor what it means, but its what we had!
TAT: The Armless Trickster
TMT: The Main Trickster
Our plan was to have an armless trickster, a main trickster, a queen, a guard, a jester, a painter, and a drummer! At the beginning of our story, TAT bets TMT that he cant get the crown off of the queen’s head. Because of TMT’s daring nature, he decides to take on this bet. He goes to the castle and gets caught breaking into he castle. He gets thrown in the dungeon with an old, mute, deaf painter, who was painting a door on the dungeon wall. The wall that he was painting on turns out to be hollow, and they break through the door! TMT goes back to the juice bar, disappointed, to let TAT that he lost the bet. Suddenly, a woman in a red cloak and a pink dress comes into the bar, along with what looks to be a guard! TMT sees her golden headdress and decides to take that instead, and call it a win. He takes the crown right off of her head and the queen throws off her cloak revealing that she is really the queen to the entire bar! TAT and TMT rush out of the bar with the queen’s crown, they manage to escape!! TMT end up winning a drink at the juice bar, AND 5 hundred shillings!! The end :))
My role was: costume manager! I didn’t make many of the costumes, but I managed them I bought a cape for the queen, I made my painter costume, Jupiter made their guard costume, Tom found his jester costume, and Luca and Makai kinda just wore regular clothes.
And the moment you’ve all been waiting for, OUR DI PERFORMANCE!!
We could always do better. One of the major things that I want to improve on is time management. We left EVERYTHING to the last second: finishing the script, making the backdrops (we only managed to finish 2 of them), costumes, we didn’t even get to finish memorizing our lines (I mean, I was a mute painter so I didn’t have anything to memorize lol)!!
Acting-wise, I think everything went as is to be expected. Our team worked great together, some of us want to still be friends outside of DI! We all got along great, which is good, because you kinda have to get along with people to be able to work with them.
What I learned! What I learned is: how well I can work with people I don’t know. I really suppressed myself with how well I worked in my team, I barely knew any of my team mates and yet, I grew to be perfectly comfortable with them!

Anyways, I’m so happy that DI is over, and I can focus on other things in school (and outside of school). Thank you so much for reading my DI blog post, I’ll see y’all in the next one <3
Posted in DI

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