So Strawberries Have DNA…

Hey Kate, what did you do in science? Oh I destroyed a ziplock bag by hitting it when it was full of strawberries, dish soap and salt. The usual sort of science lab. found this lab actually quite interesting, and not just because a bag exploded. So lately we’ve been studying human and plant cells and what sort of organelles are within them. Every living thing has one, including strawberries. So my lab partner, Will and I were assigned to extract DNA out of one. How though? Well you start off by taking a plastic bag, putting in a strawberry, salt and some dish soap. Then you smush it, trying not to break the bag like yours truly, breaking down the cell walls of the cells in the strawberry allowing those organelles to come forth. Then you take those mushed up contents and place them into a test tube.

Them you let the contents settle for a little while. Next add some alcohol which causes a bubbly reaction allowing a snot like fluid to rise to the surface of the test tube.

Now it’s time to go fishing, not literally. You just need to form a make shift fishing rod out of a paper clip in order to get the snot like stuff out of the test tube. Oh and that snot like fluid? That’s the strawberry DNA by the way. Since the cell wall was broken the DNA was able to escape from the binding cell, then the alcohol allowed it to rise to the top by causing the bubbly reaction. Now why don’t we go have a look at the final product under a microscope:

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