My ad project reflection

This project we learned about advertising and how what we hear read and see influence us.

The main goal the project was to create an ad for a client which they can use.  We learned how to communicate better and more efficiently. We also learned to question what we hear and see and read. We created ads and documents about advertising to understand it.

The ad drafts I created.

One of the documents i made. The ads link is below.


Name of Media: captain crunch

Who created this message? The creators of captain crunch created this add to advertise the new addition to their cereal.What techniques are used to attract my attention? Bright  colours, bold text and cartoons are combined to make the add.

How might different people understand this message differently from me? They  might interpret that they are making the cereal sweeter.What lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented in or omitted from this message? What happens when you eat captain crunch.Why was this message sent? Profit and/or power. This message was created for profit.

In paragraph form, who is the target audience of this piece of media? What is the message of this media? The message of this media is that their is new crunch berries in captain crunch cereal and that you should try it. The target audience is teens as and add uses bold colour, colour, and cartoons to attract this audience. The other part of the message is it makes you even more sugar high.

We also did this project in a group so I am going to link their version of this.






I have learned a lot over the past 5 weeks some more useful than others. I learned that ads can be designed to be more convincing and when to tell when that is happening. How to develop ads using some of my apps on my iPad properly and effectively. I have taken away a lot from this and will definitely remember it. I had a great time working on this and learned a lot. CYA till the next time – Keenan

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