Prince Charles has sausage fingers, and a recap of the year. (Mpol 2022/23

MPOLs are here much to our dismay.

Hello and welcome or welcome back to my blog! It’s that time of year again where I make a really long post about all of my leaning that I did. As per usual first we must state the following:

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This first semester held a lot of chaos, with our trip to Alberta and the exhibition. Even though it was a bit of a roller coaster I have come to realize that there are times where I have my act together and I can turn in my work on time, and there are other times where I don’t turn in anything on time. There were some projects were I feel like I could have done so much better, and there were some projects where I pulled together in the end

How have I demonstrated growth as a learner so far this year?
So far this year my growth has been small, but still noticeable. Simple things like turning in a little assignment on time are huge wins for me considering last year even the smallest things were turned in late. I find that so far this year though quite a few things were turned in late, and some things are still yet to be turned in.

There is a cycle in my head where I procrastinate, miss the deadline, then feel bad and loose the motivation to get the work done. Throughout different projects my end goal changes quite frequently. At times it could simply be “get ___ done on time” and other times it could simply be to get the project done at all. If I even end up finishing the final assignment then that is considered a win for me.

Throughout this year I have continuously failed in many subjects. From simple things like spelling errors to procrastinating so much that at one of the mini exhibition that I was sitting on the floor trying to finish pages while the parents we’re in the room walking around. Same with the winter exhibition, where I was on the floor trying to finish my video in the last ten minutes.

Though this semester held lots of FAILS, there were lots of good moments as well. Science held a lot of wins for me, because I turned in the most stuff on time. Based off of this semester alone, I can tell that whenever a project is done in a group, I get the work done so much easier. I have decided that I want to focus on the little wins for my mPOl this year so here are a few that I ran rat off the top of my head. My graphic organizer, which I somehow managed to turn in on time, my final science assignment from life as we know it, where me and blondie made a stop motion video, the skill sprint from the first week back at school, my ideas for how I could make a video on racism in the guiding program, my viewing box and so much more.

A BRIEF browse into the world of my learning plan

On my learning plan I decided that I would put accomplished, as I though that it would be a good goal for the start of the year, when I wasn’t sure how my work ethic would be. After going though all of my work, I think that this is still a suitable goal for me, as I think that if I chose to change that to extending, I would be putting too much pressure on myself to get things done as perfect as possible, when my current goals are somewhat far from that. I have chose to keep my learning plan at accomplished in both maker and humanities, but in Science I think that it would be a good challenge for me to try and get extending as it is my best PLP subject right now.

Last year I went into detail about each of the subjects, going through everything that I did right and wrong. I started doing that this year and discovered that it wouldn’t be helpful for me as picking though everything would only lead to me criticizing myself more than I need, and would not be sticking to my new goal for the rest of the year which is to celebrate the little wins. I tend to get caught up in only seeing the negative of things. Things like “oh I turned in my graphic organizer late” would normally make me so mad at myself, but if I think of it as more of a “oh even if my graphic organizer was late, at least I got it done, and I really feel like I put a lot of effort in it and I think it looks really good.

Prince Charles has sausage fingers – Kadin
Do you realize how stupid you sound right now we’re in a national historic site and you’re talking about Prince Charles sausage fingers – ms Willemse

Sorry I don’t know how that got there.
The reason I put that there was because as I was scrolling though my photos, I saw a screenshot of the quote book that I have been making. I look at it every once in a while, and it reminds me of all of the stupid things that my friends say. My friends have been a huge motivator for me. We help each other when we don’t know what to do for the homework. We support each other for who we are. We become massive nerds once a week, hide in the LAC room at lunch and play Brawl stars and go on “Jello Runs”. The point is that these nerds are some of the bet things that have happened to me. They give me motivation to go to school, and they help me see joy in the little things.

There are two quotes that I really like. The first is;
One day we’ll look back at where we started and be amazed at how far we’ve come -technoblade

And the second is;
and the universe said you are stronger than you know
and the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
and the universe said you have played the game well
you are the player. Wake up.
—the minecraft end poem

The first two are both quotes from minecraft. Nerd. I know. The point is that both of these quotes have different meanings to me. The first is from a YouTuber who I watch, and the second is from the minecraft end poem. But the first one is a reminder to me that I as both a learner and a human being have grown so much more than I could ever realize. The second is almost like a reality check for me. Reminding me that I am still going strong and that I need to wake up from continuously focusing on the negatives.








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