Welcome back to what is another blog post. This time for scimatics. We just finished a project about chemistry and covalent and ionic bonds. We then had to make an animation video about how covalent and ionic bonds work. This project felt a lot longer going about 3 months. I actually had a lot of fun this project so let me tell you about it.
It started out with a mindmap like every other project and wrote down either questions we had for this project or things we already knew about chemistry. Either way I think everyone wanted to know if we could blow stuff up. We then started learning about the base of atoms. Non reactive reactive how to find formulas which was pretty simple. Once we new that we started our first animation to give us a little taste. This animation was kind of like a safety one before we did an experiment. IMG_0988
After that we did workbooks for what felt like forever. Just workbook after workbook after workbook. Finally after they where all done, we could get working on our story board. We had to make an actual story using characters to tell how covalent and ionic bonds work. My idea was Mario and Luigi. Personally I think it was a great idea
After winter break we did a couple more workbooks then we could finally start working on our animation. As you can see from above there is 2 different story’s and I made 2 different story’s about the 2 different kind of bonds. Little did I know how long it would take. My first animation about Covalent bonds I did on an animating software called flip-a-clip. Flip-a-clip is where you have to draw everything frame from frame so that took forever but in the end I am very proud of my work. Mario and Luigi animation.
my second one I did on keynote because I didnt have the time to do flip-a-clip again. Keynote was definitely way faster and looked smoother and way easier.
I haven’t gotten my final grade yet but this is how I used the core competencies to complete this project effectively and Efficiently.
communicating: i communicated my understanding and learning in this project by using clear words in my voice over, and communicated through text during my animations on how the bonds work.
Processing and analyzing: I carefully made an animated video using the correct Bohr models for the given atoms. I also accurately showed how covalent and ionic bonds work through storytelling and through science.
Questioning and predicting: Not all of my class time was used effectively or efficiently I found myself having to do large amount of homework at home and very little time to do my own thing. Some of my work may have been handed in late due to my lack of focus during class time and I strive to do better next project. Even though my project may have been a few days late I still feel very proud of it and accomplished.
overall this project was pretty fun except for all the workbooks you have to do. I did enjoy animating and using Science to include in my animation. I also enjoyed the science experiments we did and I feel like I have learned a lot about chemistry and covalent and ionic bonds. I am looking forward to our next scimatics project and I will try to use my class time more effectively and hand in my work on time. No that’s all for this time see you later.