Destination procrastination


today I will be telling you about a competition that I participated in a few weeks ago called DI. Di is a tournament were you compete in your age level and against other people who are doing the same challenge as you. Me and my group of 5 were competing in the scientific challenge. In this challenge we had to make a story that involved a outsider species and a habitat, my group and I decided that we wanted to put a proboscis monkey in the BC forest. Below I will put pictures of both.

In this challenge we also had to have a technical element, my group decided that we were going to make a hydrolic arm that would knock over the trees to show how the habitat changed while the monkeys were in the habitat.

in the challenge we also had to have 2 team choice elements which are 2 things that our team gets to make. The only thing is that these 2 elements can’t be required by the challenge. So my team decided to play the ukulele and Raymond (check out his blog) made 2 songs that we played as the challenge went on too set the mood of the story.

another element that we had to have was a habitat morph. this is some way that the habitat changed when the monkeys were in the BC forest. our habitat morph was we made the trees fall down because the monkeys killed the trees by removing the leaves and cutting up the roots. so they became brittle and easily fall over. then we had to have a spices morph. we decided that the monkeys would grow claws too fend off some of the forests predictors and to rip up the leaves easier. the other morph that we had was that the monkeys grew more fur, this was because the monkeys were used to a warmer environment and since BC is very cold they had to grow more fur to keep warm.

If you would like to read the rules of the challenge by the people who made them then go to the DI website that i have linked. now I will start to talk about what happened at the tournament, at the tournament we first had to do our challenge I think that it went quite well. Other than the trees falling over too soon it was quite good since we could pull it off really well and since it was only the regional tournament we know exactly what to do if that happens at the provincials. here are my team mates blogs Raymond, Julien, Ryder and Nate. if you want to watch my teams video of us competing the that will be below.

I think that we did a OK job at regional but I think that we can do better in provincials. the things that me and my team are going to change are the following. I think that we should make the claws in our performance black not white, it would help since it makes more sense to have it that way. I also think that we should show the monkeys ripping up the roots of the trees and not just say that it happened. in addition I think that we should make the claw arm more simplified so that since the claw arm wasn’t one of the main focus points. I think that we should also make the trees have more leaves so that they look more tree like. I think that if we make these changes that we can have a way better presentation.

now I will reflect on the curricular competency

Research and Understanding:

I feel that I showed this competency when I was trying to figure out how the monkeys could morph. I put myself in the monkeys shoes and tried to think of what I would want to change to make me fit into the environment. I also thought to myself what would I do to the environment so that we could see the change of the habitat. I also had to put myself in the shoes of the apraisers and the audience to see how we could get the most points possible.

thank you for reading have a wonderful day!




It’s The End of The World as we Know it


Today I will be reflecting on the most recent project that I have had in my humanities class. In this project we started out by sharing how our worldview has changed from elementary school to high school then we made a mind map about our worldview changing from elementary school too high school. The different categories of change are: geography, time, beliefs, society, values, economy and knowledge. The next thing that we did was we wrote some lyrics using a template from the song its the end of the world as we know it click the link to watch the original video. These are the lyrics and the mind map that I made


The next thing that we did was learn about the renaissance. We started by learning about the different “history makers” of the renaissance time period such as artists like Leonardo and Donatello, and scientists like Francis Bacon and Galileo and how they impacted the renaissance.

The next thing that we did was sing our songs. My song was not my best work since I had a few voice cracks and I am not good at singing in general but I did try my best. Below is the song that I made.



Then I had to write a song with a group of 3, the other 2 people are Ryder and Randy (check out there blogs by clicking on there names) we made this song by combining our lyrics together to make 1 song and then we sung our parts of the song below are the lyrics the purple words are ryders lyrics the yellow words are Randy’s lyrics and the blue words are my lyrics




This is the song that I made with my group here are the 2 others blogs, Randy and Ryder.



The next thing that we had to do was write a paragraph or 2 about an image that represents the scientific method here is the page that I wrote.


Now I will reflect on the coricular competency’s

Create: What literacy skills am I using to write, speak, and represent in the texts I create?

I used a few different skills for this competency as looking back at the videos and photos from the past when I am talking about the past such as in the song I had to look back at pictures to remember what happened that changed my worldview. I also looked up different words that make my writing more interesting to read and when writing my song I looked up words that would rhyme so that my song would flow better.

Cause and Consequences: Who or what influenced events to occur and what were the consequences of those events.

To answer this I am going to add my Mind Node mind map that answers the question “who or what has challenged your world view in the transition from elementary school to high school.”

I have come out of elementary school and gone into high school feeling more accomplished as a learner. I feel more confident with taking on the new challenges that PLP has to offer.

The ultimate design challenge


today I will be reflecting on my latest project in scimatics the ultimate design challenge. In this project our goal was too make a 3D model that had at least 10 basic shapes.

in this project me and my partner dries decided to make a humvy which is a military vehicle which is like a Armored suv with a turret on the top. Since we were learning about surface area and volume we had to decide if we were going to make our model have maximum surface area or volume. Since the humvy’s are meant to carry troops we decided to make it for maximum volume to hold as many troops as possible. Then we got to work. I made most of the model with a few exceptions and dries did most of the calculations. This was a really efficient strategy since we had 2 iPads and instead of doing all the work by yourself and having 2 projects we decided to make 1 model with the both of us. Below I will show you the model that I made and the difference beetween my model and the actual vehicle




Now I will reflect on the coricular competency’s

Applying and Innovating:

I think that I showed this competency when I was collaborating with dries I think that I worked well with him and I think that we ended up doing a pretty good job, but I think that I still need to work on not gaming in class even when most of my work is done, I should use my class time to work on everything else that is due when I am done the assignment not game.

reasoning and analyzing:

I feel that I did a pretty good job on this competency, I demonstrated this by making at least 10 basic 3D shapes and I feel that I did a pretty good job with the model but I feel that I did quite a bit more on the model then my partner.

communicating and representing:

I feel that instead of doing some of the calculations in my head I should have put all of them on the page instead, but I do feel that I did a good job with the calculations but I will show more of my work next time.

thanks for reading my partner dries has a blog to here is the link