Albert trip book

When we went on the Alberta trip we were tasked with making a book about were we went over the trip the teachers mostly put in the bigger locations like the last spike of the rail way in Alberta, in the book we needed to include a very detailed description of these locations and we also needed to include some pictures of these locations that we went to, we also had some questions on every page that we needed to answer like out of the five themes of geography which one would this one be and why, did you have fun here and what was your favourite part of this experience, we also made a silent video a documentary about what inspires me and a video of us interviewing two tourists that we met on the trip, those were just some of the amazing things that i did in this book and if you would like to see this book for your self then click on the ebook below, also if you would like to see all the videos that i was talking about then go to my other blog posts. How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are

we were also tasked with answering one question during our trip, the question for this trip was how has the geography of the west changed who we are and at first I thought that it was just the resorts in Canada Alberta for the cool views but in the trip while I was there in the moment i learned that it is the people that live in Alberta, the beautiful view from the top of the mountain, and the amazing attractions in Alberta. IMG_1542


“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

This half of the year I only had science and humanities for my plp classes i ha lots of fun in both of those classes but right now I’m going to talk about the good things I did in those projects and the thing that I could of done better. Just to name some of the projects we did this year we had make a poster for kids, I had to make a game on a new website called scratch 

My first project I had was in science and I had to make a health poster for kids and at first I though  that the teachers would just be kidding and that they wouldn’t be put up in schools but I was wrong they didn’t put them up in our school but they put up the posters they we made in to elementary schools, I had really liked this project because we had to use the germ designs that first graders gave use so we would take a picture and make an poster with the drawings they made for our project, I would say that my poster turned out pretty good but I could of changed some things about it, we made the posters on a app called Canva and we had to take pictures online that were not copy righted and use them in our adds with the germs on it but I could of chosen a better picture to put the germs on, in the end i had lots of fun doing this project.

Our first project for humanities this semester was called blue eyed brutes in helmets and other tall tales, for this project we had to a travel log on a historical figure for this I choose Christopher Columbus and we had to make a map of were he went we had to make a something called a word pack which is lots of words put in to a a shape that an app, we also had to make a sketch of our person or what they did and i made a sketch of Christopher Columbus then once we had all of that we had to make a travel log on what they did and we had to make it sound like a real log book so we got peer feedback and i had to redo it 4 times until it got accepted to hand it in then I put a old look on the book so make it look some what real, I don’t really know what I could of done better for this project but i had a really good time working with friends on this project.

This project was called mind over matter, The second science project we had was so much fun and stressful project I had in science, for this project We had to make a video game on an app called scratch I had never used before and in this app it’s meant to teach people how to make apps using basic code blocks and we had to make a game using atoms so i made a game similar to flappy bird and I had made the character an Atom and I made the tubes spike of ice because atoms get all messed up by ice so that’s why I made it that way, we also go to show of our game to the class and we got some critique from our class mates then we got to publish our games online on the scratch website for people to play, I had lots of fun on this project I would say it was my favourite one I had done but I could change some things on my game like I could of changed the back round and I cloud of put more detail in to the ice spikes and the atom.

This project was called consequences of colonization, For my second humanities project we had to make a script for a video on a painting from the discovery of North America and I got a painting with a man holding an Astro lobe [a mapping device] with some one taking notes and two natives on the left and the right side of the man in the middle, the back round takes place in the Columbia river,

And for this project we had to make notes on this picture then we had to re make a image in the eye of the natives so I had to draw most of the detail on the man in the middle I also did keep in the man to the left taking notes  but I made both of them in a bit of a lighter grey so I could put black on the natives so I could make them stand out since this is the eye of the native I would think that to them there would of been way more of then so I drew four of them in the re-interpretation and I drew the trees bigger because to them it might look and feel bigger I also made a lot of detail on this drawing, after we did that we had to make a video script explaining why we made these changes and how these events changed the world to this day, I was away on a family trip for most of the time the project so most of the work I had to hand in lat but at the same time i had wifi at most of these places and I could of done work then and when i came back from the trip i could of attended tutorial time but I didn’t so most of this project was choppy and in total this project could of been better all around,

This project was called journey to the centre of the Earth and for this project we had we had to make a fossil out of plaster in to the shape of a dinosaur or a type of plant and my group got dinosaurs so we had to make the plaster and we had to imprint the The toy in to clay then we had to pour the plaster in to it and we had to wait to take it our and once we took it out of the clay we had a fossil then we had to make a gif of one of the three things we are studying either sea floor spreading, tectonic plates and how they move or when plates collide and make mountains I choose how mountains are formed and I hade to animate each frame one by one to make the gif, and now we are working in the third keystone and we are making a recipe for a natural disaster and what causes them but we are like just started with this project so there isn’t any final project yet so we will what for it to come,

This project was called the medium is the message/spring exhibition, and we had to make a advertisement based on a company we visited on out Oregon trip I was put in to the group called high life adventures and that company was based on a zip lining park so we had to make questions for the owners of the company, then we asked them the questions and then we got to go zip lining after obviously we aren’t just going to interview them and not go zip lining but any ways when we got back from the trip we were put in to the rest of out group so we could all stay on track and we got to making the adds for the company with the Notes we took from the interview once we made the first draft we had some critique from our group and we all had to make many drafts and I can say my first draft was so bad it looked horrible, nut then we kept repeating the cycle and we all ended up with some pretty sweet looking adds for our exhibition since these adds were going to be presented to the public so we started planing out what we where going to do for our table since we have to make I              match the theme of our company and we needed to bring props for the table and snacks for the parents so we made tree cookies and we all wore black pants dark green shirt of jacket and a bike helmet and we presented to the parents and we all had a good time presenting our adds, something I could of done better is helped out more in the prop section i could of asked some people in the class if they had any thing or i could of made some because our table looked a bit to empty, over all this was my favourite project in humanities this whole school year,

Thank you for coming to my presentation of my learning as a plp student.

Blog post after the exhibition

I had lot of fun at the exhibition with my group we had to make adds with the skills that we had learned in the class and we had to make a add for a business that we visited in Oregon, the business that i had to interview with my group was called high life adventures that business was all about zip lining and we got to interview them then we got to go zip lining after but besides the zip lining we got to work on our posters right when we got back home then the next day we were put in to our groups for the exhibition and we were put to work on our adds, my first add was really bad but then I kept getting feed back from the teachers and class mates then after 5 drafts i had my add so then the teachers printed them out and gave them to us on the exhibition night, on the exhibition night we were put in to our groups and we got a spot in the gym for our table which we would put our iPads on our tables with our launch journal so we can show our progress in our learning and we had made cookies for the visitors and we made a script  that we would say things about our adds on display we put ours on a zip line that we made over our table and we hung them there then in the end of the night we gathered our things from our lockers and we all went home.

Post for Oregon trip!!


I had lots of fun on the trip to Oregon but i think that my favourite place we visited was cabelas I don’t know why but i really had lots of fun there I was hanging out with amigos and we all got the same shirt there that has an American bald eagle over an American flag. The coolest thing that i learned was how to catch shrimp in the sandy mud and how to tell what gender they are we also got to race crabs in a holahoop we raced them again by gender and by their size, in total i had lots of fun hanging out on a school trip with my friends 

Colonization 🦫

I think that European settlers came so Canada so they could explore more of the unknown world since at the time they had just discovered this North America and they would come here to maybe have a better life, find gold or other valuable stuff, try to make peace to the natives of the land.

i learn how to pay attention to detail on pictures i learned that the Europeans used the natives a lot to map out the land

to make the video i will work over the weekend and come to tutorial time each day to make the video and the script

My blog post on my game


The type of game that i made was like a flappy bird version of the atoms and how ice effects it So if you touch the ice you would die and have to restart the game. Before this project I had know idea how to code or use scratch but at the end i was able to make a fully fun using game on a site i have never used i had a lot of fun learning about atoms and making my first video games.

Small and mighty

What we did in this project was that we got to make a poster to tell the younger kids of elementary school not to spreed germs and how not to we also got to use microscopes and we had to make notes on the different germs in the dirty water we looked at. 

What i had enjoyed from this project was that we got to play around with microscopes to look at some germs in some puddle water i had partners for this but they didn’t really do anything so i got the microscopes all to my self and i loved it

Making fun with drawings

This is the book that i had made using the app book creator and in my amazing book there are some of the drawings that i did take a look in side and se the drawing skills that i had learned and admire my master pieces

My Mpol

This is a page of all of the work that i have done all year enjoy.

This was my first year in PLP, I’m very glade to present to you my first ever Mpol. i got to do so many fun things in my maker and my humanity’s class, i got to meet and to make new friends the teachers made us go in to groups with random people so we could work together and make ideas. I’m very proud of my work that we did this year some of the work that we did was the winter exibition with the avatar box, the outsiders, the crusades, making interesting images, finding fun with drawings on sketches pro, and radical innovations the renisants and you.

The first one here is the outsiders, i did find some parts to take a lot of time like getting the picture for the front cover and getting the notes to fill out the role cards that we got every day, i did find the book to be very interesting, my favourite part of this project was that we got to make a book cover based of a design that we made as a group. I think that i had done really well on this project and i really had a lot of fun.

One of my favourite parts of making the avatar box for the exibition was that we got to make our own ideas and bring them to life in front of pretty much everyone’s parents, the group that i was put in to was supposed to be a destroyed planet so for our room we put together a little activity for the parents so we put some card board on the floor and made them pick up one piece and under it would reveal a flower symbolizing that there will always get though it we also made signs out of card board scraps and put there is no planet B, save the planet, there is still hope.for my box i made a diorama showing a bull dowser making a road and leaving trash in its path though the forest, behind the bull dowser the trees where cut down, i made my box like this so that i will show the invironmental impact that humans have to the world. This was such a success and me and my group we had a lot of fun with this project.

For the crusades project we had so study some pages that the teacher had assigned and we hade to right notes about each page, we hade to make 3 different slide show the first one was about the. The Middle Ages then we did one about Christianity and the islams, the last one we did was about the feudal system and i put different slides for each role like the church the king the nobles the knights the merchants and the sad little peasants. I didn’t really like this project but i still think that i did really good on this project.

Making interesting images was my favourite project that we did in 2022 because we got to take a walk down to the beach and take panorama picture we also got to take a walk around the school looking for things that where in shapes like triangles squares and circles, the rest of the time we where in side of the class room taking pictures with skills like taking pictures from Birds Eye and worms eye, taking pictures with and without filters, we got to use slow motion and and time laps. In the end we did get to publish our awesome creations to our blogs. In my opinion i did really good on this project if i could do some things differently than i would of put in more pictures in to my blog post.

In the making fun with drawings we got to learn how to use the shading tool how to colour fill how to draw with different art tools
We also got to make a book and publish. The book online on our blogs. I would say that i did good on this project the the one thing i would change would be the time that i put in to my drawings because in the end i do think that I could of put in more skill in to my drawings

In radical inovations project that we finished last week we got to make a thing called a treptic where it is made up of 3 different panels and we had show our self in the renisants with inventions that changed the world from Asia then for the center one we had to show our selfs in the present day with things that changed our world like an iPad or you’re phone then for the left panel we where back in the renisants and we where with our favourite thing from before the renisants. In the end i did have a lot of fun with this project.

I would say that i met my standards for my humanity’s and maker classes this year and i really did have a really fun time in these classes so I’m very exited for my new classes as well.

Radical inovations

1. The new ideas that changed the world would be the printing press, the clock, and the newest medical inovations. 2. The torch was in my opinion the most important thing before the renisants because it was able to carry flames from one place to another, I also put art in there, because before the renaissance art was starting to be more popular and people were starting to get into making art. 3. So many ideas that changed my world was my iPad and I put it in there to represent as if it was like a newer version of the printing press something else. I also change my life would be the Apple Watch because it’s pretty much just like a tiny phone on your wrist And I put in a bottle of medicine to represent the medical inasions from this day 4. these ideas from Europe and Asia, change the world by the printing press being able to spread knowledge the medical invasions being able to help somebody when they are sick and the clock by letting people tell time.


Over all I had learned how to use Super Impose X to edit and add things in to the pictures that I used for my amazing tryptic that I had made I also got to learn the tool mask in super imposer X, using that mask tool I was able to edit my self on to a really old guy from the renaissance, I was also able to make layers on the tryptic so I could make back drops for each of the pictures that i later on made in to the tryptic, once i did that i used the layer tool again and added in all of the pictures like the iPad, the torch, the clock, etc, after i used notability and added all of the pictures together then handed them in.