Alberta Field Study : The West of Canada: A Region of Rich History

Check out my book talking about my journey, why people come to the west, and most importantly, answering the driving question. Click on my book below to learn more ⬇️ How has the Geography of the West shaped who we are? Click to read this book, made with Book Creator

Media + Advertise

The Driving Question: How does advertising persuade, sell, and influence society? Advertising is something we see everyday in the world. It’s visible from billboards to commercials on TV. But every single ad has one of two goals in common. To convince the viewer to buy their product or persuade them to perform a certain action.… Continue Reading Media + Advertise

mPOL 2022/2023

mPOL 2022/2023- Midyear Presentation Of Learning  Introduction Hello and welcome to my first ever mPOL! For your information, mPOLs are about identifying your strengths, weaknesses, and how you will be moving forward by reflecting on your learning over the past half year. I will be talking and reflecting on my past assignments over the last… Continue Reading mPOL 2022/2023

My Art

My Art Click to read this book, made with Book Creator

The Most Radical Innovations of The Renaissance in One Triptych…

My Triptych: My Historical Explanation: Left panel: The new ideas from the renaissance changed the renaissance world by multiple critical innovations such as: In the renaissance, science was taken a big step up. Things like Astronomy, Medicine, Math, Geography, Archetecture, etc. Without these, we wouldn’t have progressed through time and advanced in technology, physics, and… Continue Reading The Most Radical Innovations of The Renaissance in One Triptych…