Mind Over Matter

I really enjoyed this lesson, our first project was the “who am i” for this project we had to measure the mass, volume, and density.  The object i used was an eraser. I enjoyed learning the math on how to get the measurements of the objects.

the second project that we did was the our second project was our gummy bear diffusion. We got to make a hypothesis, question and a prediction. We put a gummy bear in a cup of water and one in a cup of water with less water to see if the amount of water would change how big the gummy bear grows to if left in for the same time.

and our last project was my favourite, we had to make a video game in scratch that shows what we have learned so far. My game was called atom run and it shows my learning by have an atom as the main character and the obstacles are the 3 states of matter, gas, solid and liquid. I really enjoyed the coding part of this and hope we get to do more coding

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