Reinterpreted image of C.W. Jeffery’s

For this projects we had 3 different things that we did. We had to make a chart and fill it out using an old image. This was interesting because we had to really look deep in to the image to find all the details and hidden stuff. The second thing that we did was the re-interpreted image, I did the bride’s arrival at Quebec by C.W. Jeffery’s. It was interesting having to draw and add different stuff to the original drawing to make it different and better. And the finale project was a video were I am talking about my reinterpreted drawing and the original, as well as the main question, what did European settlement mean for all involved. We had to write a script for the video, everyone posted their video on their YouTube channel that we all created. Overall i enjoyed working on this and learning about this topics and researching about the the stuff involved.

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