Let’s take down a government

Based off this title, you may be asking, who are we over throwing. That’s the wrong question. You should be asking, who DID we overthrow. The answer would depend on what group you were in, but it would have been one of the 4 big revolution, The French Revolution, The America Revolution, The October Revolution (Russian) or The Haitian Revolution. I got to study the French Revolution. At the start of this project, the plan was to make a play on the trial of the Revolution, to see if the revolution was effective or ineffective, but it didn’t stay that way for long. On the path to do the revolution on trial, we started by making a graphic organizer with information on our revolution.
After that, we started to work on our affidavits, but that’s when everything started to go down hill. Due to reasons, the project had to be changed so that it would be filmed, but the two classes couldn’t cooperate enough to get that done. So instead, each group made a video showing their side of the argument. I was very disappointed at all the changes made to this project, because I had been looking forward to it, but stuff happens. Even though it was a worse project than it was supposed to be, I think it was a project I did pretty well in.

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