On the Oregon trip I learned a lot and I got to see a lot of cool stuff. My favorite was fort Stevens because we got to go into a bunker. There were also reenactors there and I got to see and holed some cool guns the one in the pic is an M1 Grand. There was also Astoria Column
Why do I feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?
I feel I am ready to move to the next grade level because I have improved by getting my work completed and turned in. I still have work to do on the on-time part, but did improve on getting assignments in this year. I was super nervous and thought I could never do something like the mPol, but it turned out okay and I feel better about doing the tPol from that experience.
I learned how to do school through all technology on an iPad and learned many tools and apps. My communication skills did improve with the teachers but I still have trouble asking questions. I am proud about my Spring Exhibition ad because I think I did well on it and turned in several drafts. Journey of the Centre of the Earth, I liked my gif because it was fun to make and I got it done on time.
Here are some of my thoughts:
Of the work I did this year, the work that I am least proud of is my blog post because mine are always late, there is not enough writing in them and I don’t put enough effort in them. The project I struggled with was the mPol because I only finished the day before and didn’t practice which led me not have the best presentation.The most interesting thing I learned this year was using the iPad and how to navigate and use all the apps. I found Maker to be the most boring because the class was so big that I lost interest in listening and learning. The difference between the two experiences was that I got to learn how to use the iPad by myself or with someone to help me versus trying to pay attention in a big group setting. Good question. I did not do a good job allocating my time in class which meant I had to go into tutorial or have homework.
I failed at getting my work in on time. From this experience, I learned that I should do more in class and I learned I need to ask questions. The work I did this year met my own standards, but not the ones I set with the learning plan.The skills I used this year was my communication skills for example at the exhibitions and my mPol. I used my technology skills to do my assignments. In my work, I was able to use my creative skills especially on my project for the winter exhibition. I need to develop the skill of asking questions. My goals for my work changed as I did better turning things in.
I felt dissatisfied when my work was late. Just getting started and typing things out were very difficult for me. Typing did get better for me throughout the year. I find the blogpost in PLP work frustrating because I like to just do a project and move on, not reflect on it. My work reveals that I do not like to put too much effort into my work as a learner. I would change to put more effort into the projects and get it in on time. Maybe, starting earlier would help me. I see friends like Hunter that writes a lot and starts early so this work gets in on time and is probably better.
Exhibition Blogpost
The exhibition was a fun and unique thing to do. I think some of the things we did well during the spring exhibition were being more organized, having more food options and having better setups. Some of the things that didn’t go so well was the cleanup and launch journal. Also, our group did not have an activity or game station.
Lucio Lanari – mPOL
Picture Book
Triptych project
THESIS: Ideas from Europe and Asia changed the world by adding to our knowledge and our life expectancy.
TOPIC 1: Left: the new ideas from the Renaissance changed the Renaissance world by the creation of the telescope, binoculars, and glasses. The telescope and binoculars changed things because people could see space and things that were farther away. It made a difference because people could learn about stars and other places, like planets. That impacted how the Church was seen because people realized that maybe the Earth was not the Centre of the universe.
TOPIC 2: Right: The traditional ideas that people had before the Renaissance included scribes, their own eyes, and witchcraft. So back then, they used witchcraft for things like healing. They did not have knowledge of the human body, so they used healing and even magic.
TOPIC 3: Centre: The new ideas from the Renaissance changed my world today by giant telescopes, sunglasses, and hospitals. People can see. Giant telescopes helped people get into space. If I get hurt, I can go to the hospital. Overall, these things have helped me live a better life. In the Renaissance, if I broke my leg, I would have had to just sit at home and wait or chop off my leg. Conclusion: In conclusion, the ideas from Europe and Asia change the world because people created the printer press so people didn’t have to use scribes anymore. I’m glad that I have the healthcare I have.
What I learned I learned: What I learned was a triptych is 3 paneled art that is the same but different. It depicts messages like in the Medieval Period it was mostly religious. Art is supposed to send a message.
How I learned: I learned by taking notes in class, researching on Basecamp and class discussions. I learned about the Renaissance from classroom instruction
What was exciting? What was boring? In my opinion it wasn’t too exciting. I felt like it took too long. It was fun or “exciting” to Photoshop my face onto a Medieval painting.
Winter Exhibition
- What went well during exhibition and leading up to it, exhibition in general, and your box and construction of your box?
Leading up to the exhibition nothing went well. I finished some of my stuff a day or two days before the exhibition. The weeks before the exhibition we kind of just talked and there wasn’t much work getting done. During the exhibition no one really asked me any questions. None of the parents, except for my mom, asked me any questions. I got to stand there the whole night; two kids beside me were asked questions the whole night. I got to stand there, which I was good with because I didn’t really want to be there.
As for the construction of my box, I started a bit late because I didn’t have the supplies the first two days. I came to school with almost half of it done the next day, and then I got it done. But then on the last day (maybe the day of the exhibition or the day before), I brought my box in because the teachers wanted a revision on the box. I brought it to school but there was barely anything added to it. My box looked liked a box of dirt. I don’t have any good pictures of it because I have a bad phone and the room was really dark, so my photos are blurry. I don’t know what happened to my box after; I don’t know if I kept it at school or if it’s at home.
- What could go better next time?
The teachers make it sound like it will be way worse than it actually is: they said that you are going to die from standing there and being asked questions, but they make it more stressful than it actually was and has to be (they kind of add stress telling you that you have no time when you actually have an hour). The grade 8s (and the older grades) were just running around trying to put things up, but in my group, we didn’t know what to do, so we kind of just stood around. The older grades were running around trying to get stuff done as fast as they could. In my group of 4 or 5, we kind of just stood around. The teachers were stressing out. None of the teachers were telling us where our station was, we knew the general area, but we didn’t know where exactly. We started setting up, but we had to change it up a bit because the teachers moved us. We were in the gym hallway. I think that teachers were trying to draw more attention to us (we were near the food station), but people didn’t come over to our station very much.
As for myself, I don’t know what I could do better next time. It would be nice to be in a group with my friends. In my group, I didn’t know the other kids that well except one person who I am kind of friends with. If I was with my friends I could stand up longer during the exhibiting because I would be with my friends. I could have come up with a better idea for my box and put more time into it.
Making interesting images keynote
Becoming a plp learner
Looking back at the User Manual and Big Life Journal
WordPack – I learned who I would like as a mentor and why.
Digital Selfie – I like to be funny.
Laptop MeMoji – how to use Keynote.
User Manual – not plagiarizing but using work done before as a model and formatting.
Dream board – more advanced use of Keynote and use pictures to describe me.
Bucket list – have a lot weird things I want to do or to have.
YouTube channel – we didn’t make one sadly – on paper I made one “creepy 3:00 am videos” because its weird.
The PBL pathway – how to tell a story. The evidence is learning different ways to tell a story using technology!!!!!
Geek out
Geek Out with Miata
When I was younger I was in to Hotwheels and I liked cars.
When I got a little older, I got into JDM Cars and playing video games. JDM cars are tuner cars with the wheel on the right side. This is because it is made for driving in Japan where they drive on the other side of the road. These cars come from the factory with higher output than the Japanese cars made for import here.
I discovered that there is a lot of people who love tuning these cars.
This is when I found the MX5 Mazda Miata. I thought it was small and cute.
I always loved the pop-up headlights. It reminds me of a smiling face. It is my favorite. This picture is of my Miata in the video game I play.
Every time I see one I point it out to my dad! And he’s like I know I know so what! I want one as my first car.
7 Interesting Things About Me You May Not Know
- I like to dirt bike and I own a Honda CRF150R. I prefer trail
riding but I still enjoy track riding. Riding at Squamish, Pemberton and Popcum. I started riding when I was 10 years old.
- I play airsoft. I find airsoft fun because its competitive, it requires teamwork and communication. And you can play with friends from school and my dad. I’ve been playing for just over a year.
- I like to mountain bike. Because it’s fun and great way to
explore the mountains and BC. I’ve been on a bike since I could walk. I started on a run bike and still love it to this day. I find peace in the quiet forests.
- Video games – I like them. I have been playing them for years.
I got my first console when I was 7. Me and my brother got the WiiU. Our favorite game was Splatoon.
- Skiing and snowboarding is a fun winter sport. I enjoy going with my family. I have been skiing since I could walk. I have learned from doing snowplow to the toughest runs on Whistler and Blackhomb because my parents put me in the ski program at Whistler since I was 4. I have met a lot of cool coaches and friends in the program.
- I have been playing hockey since I was 3 or 4. My mom used to take me to 8 rinks when I was little for lessons during the day and I’m still playing now.
- I started playing Water polo in grade 6. One of my friends got me to join with a bunch of friends. We have been playing on the team since. I enjoy playing because all of my friends play it.