Drawings in Scimatics

Hi!!!! We recently just finished out last scimatics project of grade 8. In this project we learned all about cells, viruses and how they interact with each other. The end goal of this project was to create a comic about cells and viruses that was accurate but also fun to read. Milestone 1: Project start […]

🎉Grade 8 exhibition🥳

Hiii!!!!! We just finished our grade 8 summer exhibition. In this exhibition we didn’t focus on a specific project to show we tried to show our progress of learning. There were 3 different rooms for grade 8. The first room showed the process of learning, going from launch to critique and reflection. The second room […]


It’s finally the end of my first year in grade 8 and I have learned so much over this year. I have definitely improved and enjoy this year so much and I’m excited to tell you about what I have learned “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on […]

Scimatics Design Challenge!

Driving Question: To design an object for maximum surface area or volume. Milestone one  In milestone 1 we chose what we were going to design and how we were going to maximize surface area or volume. My object I decided to design/make a Catamaran. A Catamaran is a boat with 2 skinny hulls in parallel […]

Coding with science :p

We recently just finished one of my for sure favourite scimatics projects. In this project we have to code a small game/applet in scratch about atoms. And add information explains how the KMT works. Milestone 1: Project start  Just like every other project we started with a Mind Map were we wrote our questions, what […]

Laser project! :D

Hi! For scimatics we just finished our laser laws project. This was a very interesting project where we learned about the law of reflection and the Pythagorean theorem. The driving question of this project was “How can we test the Pythagorean theorem and law of reflection?” and we broke this project down into 5 milestones. […]