winter exhibition

The PLP winter exhibition was a huge event this year, with over 100 students participating from grades 8 to 12. It was a chaotic, but exciting.

For my part in the exhibition, I focused on creating a documentary about the environment. Specifically, I wanted to show how we as humans often destroy our land and natural resources for short-term gain, like the events in the movie Avatar.

To gather information for my documentary, I interviewed a BC health and safety officer who works on the Sunshine Coast. His job is to come up with a plan for what to do if the region ever runs out of water. He discussed his idea of shipping in water or finding a sustainable lake as potential solutions.










I also made use of new skills I learned during the project to make my videos as high quality as possible. You can find these videos on my YouTube channel, linked at the bottom of this post.

Overall, I believe I deserve a sun for this project, as I completed all of my work on time and to the best of my ability. It was a challenging and I’m happy that the exhibition is over and that it was successful

Doing this project made me relize that my work was sloppy so I decided to see what would happen if I put as much time and effort into this post as I would of playing hockey. The outcome of this is so surprising to me. My goal for next semester is to put this much effort into all my work and I want to see what’s going to happen. 

I made this blog post using many techniques I used grammerly to fix my grammar I asked my parents and freinds for revisions and I put so much time and effort into this post and im super proud of it. I did the same thing with my storm the barricades post and it also turned out well.


Here are some photos from this project

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