The Renaissauce

The Renaissance, one of the most important ages in history. It is important because a lot of human evolution occurred in this time. The first thing we did in this project was a name chart. A name chart consists of 4 sections


Novelty: How important this object/person from the past is in the present

Applicability: how has this object/person evolved

Memory: how is this object/person remembered

Effect: how have people been affected by this object/person


it is called a name chart because it says name if you put those four words going down.























I think my name chart had a lot of info on Leonardo de Vinci and explained the category pretty well. After the name chart we worked on a triptych. A triptych is a board you make in SuperimposeX which is a editing app similar to photoshop. The background has to look like a gallery and has to be empty. Split the board into three parts, after you have done that on the left side think of a influencer in the old times not in modern day. You can overlap the line with the picture then erase the side part that is in the middle and replace it with some from modern day who is similar here is an example.



















Then in the middle you put a photo of yourself doing a pose or just siting there. On the right side its and old object similar to modern day. You can do the same as the influencer if you choose. He final result should look like this.













After the triptych we wrote a final paragraph to finish off the project. We had to write about a old object and how it evolved and effected people. This is mine.





Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! See you next time!

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